Girls Read Please!!?

ok, this is totally embarrasing, but i have to get it out.
i read within a magazine that haveing one to 6 couple of strands around your nipple is fine, but i've got more then that, close to 15-20. i know it is bad and everything, but i'm too embarrassed to tel this to my mom. and if i maintain it a secret will my hormones do something really bad to my body? and what is it exactly(the pelt thing)?
and please don't laugh and mature answers please

Gynecologist preperation?

it doesn't nouns extreme or anything, but if you're really worried go to your doctor. Dont be embarrassed in the region of telling your Dr, they will have see far far worse i promise you! if you can't face that, i would be careful nearly what hair removal methods you use, waxing / curls removal creams would probably damage the nipple itself, maybe (v. careful) shaving, or if you can take on it, plucking? It doesn't sound abnormal though, freshly if you are desperately unhappy, ask your Dr what options at hand are. hope that helps x

What is cervical cancer?

First of all, don't procure all stressed and worrying that this is something bad.

I know it is run of the mill to have a few strands around your nipples. That is easy to nick care of just by plucking them. But 15-20 around it seem like it might be much. You didn't say how dated you were, but are you seeing a gynocologist yet? If you are, you should patently bring it up to him/her. If your mom wants to go next to you, just let your doctor know that you hold "private" stuff to talk to them about, and that you are humiliated w/ your mom in there. I am sure it is something that can be taken nurture of and who better to let you know than your doctor? Just remember not to lose any sleep over this!

Does any one use the contraception brand trifeme?

I'm sure it's normal, but check out WebMD, they enjoy good answers normally. They also own a section where you can ask medical questions-real doctors too! There are probably lots of women beside that problem, i hope someone can give you tips ;) It could be a hormone imbalance, it's nil to be ashamed of.

After how heaps days of manstrual cycle it have most probability to be pregnent?

so do i.

haha i read that in a magazine to and i got worried.
but the answer above me does to.
so i guess its regular?

Ladies I'm only curious?

i do to...i think tht is normal!
everyone have hair everywhere some of it is more noticable

Guy Doctor.?

Anyone who have have ovarian drilling?
Embarassing query?
Any aid ?
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  • Will I grasp breast cancer too approaching my mother did?

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