Yeast infections?

so, what are they? how do you know you have one? what do you look for to know? is it visable? how do you acquire rid of them? does it require a doctor visit? how do you prevent them? how do you achieve them in the first place?

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A yeast infection is a condition cause by the overgrowth of yeast that normally lives within your vagina already.It is a common condition.Not considered an S.T.D. but you can intervene it to your partner.Yeast grows well surrounded by warm moist areas.So to prevent repeated infections try to preserve genital area cool and dry.Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes. Change out of damp bathing suits ASAP.-Symptoms include :Vaginal itching,pain.discharge specifically thick,white, lumpy similar to cottage cheese.Red rash on skin out side the vulva.Pain full urination.-If you never have a Dr. tell you you have one before you should see a Dr. past treatment with something over the counter.Or your Dr. may prescribe something.There are a wide open variety of over the counter drugs that can support.Talk to your Dr. or call a clinic for suggestion on which one might be best for you.

How do you know if your loose?

Don't ask a guy! We DON'T want to know!

Really I might be preggers?

yest infections can occur from sex or freshly not cleaning urself correctly. signs usually are it itching down there, burning when u jump to the bathroom and yelowish looking discharge or clumply looking discharge and yes a visit to the dr. is necassary. consequently again u can just bring back happens.

Baby Names Help!?

Visit a doctor or a VD clinic. What they distribute you will clear it up. Home remedies rarely work.

Vaginal discharge?

Oh you'll know! It itches close to crazy, you have a white cottage cheese approaching discharge and it smells! You can get one from taking antibiotics, not getting plenty air down nearby and other things! You used to have to find a prescription, but now you can seize the cure over the counter!

What is called sanctuary period?

these sites will inform u all roughly speaking it. how u got it. how to seize rid of it . what causes it. everything. u dont lately get them from sex. u can find it lots of ways they are common within girls n guys..yes guys get them too

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yeast infeciton is when the pious bacteria within your vagina gets out of whacked and turns into desperate bacteria. this doomed to failure bacteria produces a cottage cheese discharge that is to say irritating. this discharge sort of smells like yeast, hence the given name. the only route to know you have one is to move about to your doctor. he or she will either prescribe vaginal cream, a suppository or a soon pill that you take call Diflucan. the way you gain them really depends on the person. Antibiotics can trigger one, your diet adn also your clothes. wear breathable cotton panties and avoid human being in a drizzling bathing suit for too much of a long time. Also my friend is a gynecologist and she does not reccomend thong underwear becuase that is irritating to your vagina which have very gauzy tissue.

Did anybody have this take place to her vagina?

Well, they are just what they say aloud...too much yeast in the vagina that "grows" and cause an infection. It usually smells literally like yeast, and is white or yellowish contained by color and resembles cottage cheese.
If you've never had one diagnosed, you should see a doctor first. He/she will more than potential give you a prescription for pill that should do the trick.
Wear adjectives cotton underwear and loose fitting jeans or shorts...also, too much time in a wet, thaw out bathing suit will cause the yeast to grow. They are annoying and can be self-conscious with the itching. There is on the odd occasion "pain" perhaps some discomfort when urinating...but you must appropriate care of it, because it could possibly cause other issues if cured. Don't be embarrassed; everyone get them...even men!

Could this be the menopause?

like 20 years ago my wife was getting tons of em

A doctor told her she would other have and nil could be done about it

I gain a stack of books from the library and read em. Its usually visable, kind white stuff, he usually won't even know if he have it.

Its uncomfortable and vastly itchy for her. SOmetimes the suppository things and creams can help the symptoms. To hang on to em away, eat resourcefully (shop at WHole Foods) no preservatives, etc, reduce stress surrounded by life, etc. Also , put away yogurt with live acidophilus, or even put the yogurt contained by there.


Is it middle-of-the-road that i am almost 16 and i just get my period a few days ago?

it looks similar to whiite cheese curds, or cottage cheese. u need to see ur doc, or u can intervene it on to your husband or BF. u get it by have sex, or cheating.

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