Girls Only! Bathroom?

I was at a resteraunt and I be wating for the bathroom. It was a single womens bathroom, a moment ago one toilet and sink and you lock the bathroom door. Anyways I was waiting for approaching 5 minutes and the door opened and a man walk out. He apologized and went on his style. Is that okay? Is it okay for the opposite sex to use the other bathroom if they own to?

A simple Q that needs answers?

Since in that was probably with the sole purpose 1 stahl in the men's room... he probably have to go really unsuccessfully and couldn't wait. Since, at the time, here wasn't anyone in the ladie's room... he go there instead. I give attention to it's fine

Does taking birth control affect your ability to have an idea that?

The other bathroom could've been closed.

Take supervision.

Am i too late?

I do. If here is a wait for one room and not the other. Like you said, it's a one-seater near a lock on the door.

I suffer from pimples after shaving !!?

well, id right to be heard yes just because ive done contained by the opposite contained by an ER.

I have lost my libido?

I've used the mens room! God, when you gotta, you gotta go! Yes what's the problem?

Menstrual Cycle and The moon?

yeah do it adjectives the time - just trademark sure you don't sit on the seat. And bathe your hands

I enjoy very massive ovaries, but no symptoms of PCO. Do people hold very significant ovaries with no condition problems?

only if the men's is out of order

How long do you pms symptoms ultimate befor your period starts?

Its freaky and its gross, but as long as a feminine didnt follow him out, everything should be fine. When he went it, the other bathroom be prolly taken, and he had to travel REALLY bad. (people dont use the other one only just cause they perceive like it.

Birth control pill emergency?

i suppose its better than leaven a puddle on the floor.

Can women within wheelchairs have sex lives and conceive?

Would you a bit he just go right there waiting in flash for the men's? Sometimes one must do what one must do. Certainly it would have ruined several customers meals if he crapped his


Yeah, if I was you surrounded by that scenario, I would have used the mens, as a situation of fact I hold done that before.

Shaving Problems?

Only if its an emergency.. but for, then thats strange because he might be peeking in.. subsequent time you see it occur, you should report it :)

Nipple stimulation cause poop?

I totally think that it is OK. A group of my friends and myself took over a guys bathroom at a block last weekend because of the HUGE procession outside of the ladies room. So...yeah...i think it could work the other process around.

I am 16 and i havent had a extent since august 2006WHY?

it's okay if he had no other choice.

What sympathetic of douche do use for woman only?

I don't meditate it really matters. The individual thing that matter is how clean the bathroom is - form protectors, or hover over the bowl. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. I've gone into men's rooms before - only keep yourself verbs and wash your hand - it's all well brought-up.

I really want to try tampons, but my mom is not for them at all. what should i do?

Hey if you have to run you have to run and that's just medium if it's anywhere LoL hey us girls as well sneak our mode into the smelly men's bathroom when we have no other way out and the girls bathroom is completely occupied LOL It's fine only just remember keep that form cover on at ALL TIMES.

Anybody want information about Breast Actives Program ?

Yes, it's adequate. A lot of times, when the ladies room has a long strip, women use the men's room. If you ever really need to use the bathroom and the women's room is settled, I think it's proper to use the men's room. I think that it's okay to use the differing sex's single bathroom because you are in there by yourself, and for this reason not invading anyone's privacy.

If my period completed on?

I think its fine. Like other ppl said, if you gotta go, you gotta go

I don't want to become smaller?

when i be at a music festival, the girls would use our shower areas, because the womens be so crowded. I mean, it be kind a nice, but sometimes when you cant lurk you cant wait. Like you said single toilet near a lock so it should be no big deal

What do I do something like this blood?

Ok ..mabye it wwas a mistak or just to go and get girls atention..that is unbelievably wierd and wierd..i hope i helped

I approaching my best friend but does he like me?

sounds awkward to me!

Why do you want to take the pill impossible to tell apart time everyday?

I would say if they HAVE to (like if the other one is out of order), consequently yes, but only within a one-seater.

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