I'm 14 and i think im bout to start. what do i do when my interval starts?

i no u have to use pad and tampoons but which should i use first? and will i bleed a lot the first time? and is it tight or no? i really need to know! gratefulness :D

Cervical cyst removalor is it a cyst?

Hey Sweetie :)I bet your nervous huh?I be.I started at 13,man oh man was i upset!nervous!and confused something like everything lol but i would perfer pads babe,purely cus its going to take some time to gain used to your period the first few times,so start near Maxi pads.Whether you are going to bleed alot or little your first time is something you cant really speak about,when it happens thats when you know.Every girl is different.It can be uncomfortable,your lower back may throbbing or you may feel exceedingly very awfully bloated like a bloat fish lol i other do!Agh gah i hate it! : / but its something we girls hafe to put up next to.You are most likey are going to cramp alot and crave sweets "chocolate" mmmm! lol youll def get tha munchies and consequently sleep alot or may be just rather moody liek emotional or smoothly mad or overworked over zilch,but hey its okay :) I promise!

Have a good weekend hunny! x0x

For women single.?

You should start off using pad. When your ready for tampons be in motion for it. You HAVE TO use it during your period while you are swimming. At first your term should be light, you shouldn't bleed profusely. It doesn't hurt. Think about it; pretend your purely peeing. But your "peeing" out blood. It only hurts when you win cramps, and headaches. How could the blood coming out your vagina hurt you?

When you receive your first period within should be a reddish/brown discharge in your underwear. When you acquire your first period you are not promising to see a Niagara Falls of blood coming out. it is usually very muted. Check your underpants for brownish stains. If you see any they may be the first signs of getting your period. At first you may verbs them for stains from going to the bathroom ( in case I entail to spell it out, "pooping"). Before you decide if it is your term, go to your mom (or a nurse if your at school). Also a course to tell if its your time of year is that you may feel incredibly depressed for no reason you can deem of. When you get your period( or at smallest you think it is your period) scrutinize the next light of day to see if the same item happens, next chances are its the indisputable deal. Remember, natter to your mom about it. She remembers! It could be somewhat flow of blood but not always. And you may not get hold of another period the subsequent month either. Some girls start right past its sell-by date with it and others are irregular for awhile. Mark on a calendar the daylight that the blood (or brown stuff) first showed up. You can mark the days that it continues for if you close to. Then the next time you capture your period again (it's regularly not very regular for the first few years) red mark the day it starts on the calendar. Eventually you will start to see a outline - you might start bleeding every 27 days, or even every 30 days, and that's how you work out how long your cycles are - everyone is different. Some people own it every 25 days, and some people can never bring up to date when they are going to get theirs - but keeping track near the calendar really helps. Don't forget your spell will last between 3 and 7 days. Maybe even two. You will receive it every 28-31 days. I hope I helped.I make a contribution you the best of wishes when you get your term.

Nuvaring and caffeine!?

Well you may get cramps and u might hold to go to the bathroom more...um i contemplate u should use pads because u wouldnt really bleed alot the first time but then on use should use tampons xD

Has anybody heard of spermicide?

Mine started at 14, and very soon I'm 15. I have other used pads. At first they perceive weird, but later you start to adjust to them. I've never used tampons, but I heard that they are deeply uncomfortable so I wouldn't suggest that. The first time I did bleed a great deal, and my stomach was sore, but I in recent times took Motrin and it felt a lof better. It's really not as bleak as you may think. After you've have it for a little bit you will grasp used to it.

~I really hope I helped!

Hes too big!!!?

It depens which feel comfortable on you. Try both and see which feels right. For most girls it depends on the anguish. I dont bleed a lot but I do win severe pain the first daytime of my period. Some of my friends didnt hurt at adjectives and just go about in attendance day. It could be a couple of days to similar to a week sometimes. Some girls have irregular period and have to run to the doctor. Schedule it in your calendar when you do grasp it. I use pads because the thought of a tampon inside my private nouns scared me. You can choose witch you resembling best. Some people bleed greatly and some people dont. But the first time you draw from it, it'll be a sign of what to come in the next times.

I'm supposed to be on my period but i'm expieriencing brown discharge and cramps?

Everyone is different. I started my time when I was 11 and it be heavy and last for 11 days. My sisters were drastically different. I'm 34 now and they are terribly short so things change. I used to achieve bad cramps but don't receive them now. Cramps are commonplace just filch an ibuprofen and it will help. I would use pad until you know all the ins and outs near tampons. I buy the ones that are longer with wing, it helps next to leaking onto your clothes.
Remember to check every few hours to see if you involve to change it. Talk to your mom. You'll be in recent times fine.

I'm two weeks late taking my birth control. If I start up again today, when will my interval start?

hello.first of all response to womanhood.this is a special time in your vivacity,you are no longer a child.
this means you can procure pregnant so be careful.
OK you should use pad at first for about the first 6 period,then after that its a personal choice,if you are still a virgin(which hopefully you are)i would verbs with pad.
the first one will just be a small amount of blood,it might look a bit brown that's typical,or it could be bright red,also normal.you may also hold a little bit of a tummy hurting low down that's fine.if its uncomfortable hold some painkillers,but check with mom first OK?
but anything it can be different every month and indeed for the first few it wont be regular.a girl should bleed every 28 days and around 13 days into your cycle you may enjoy what looks like egg whites within your knickers that's just ovulation and its fine.if you spot thick creamy white stuff that's a bit smelly and itchy...that's thrush and requests treatment.
good luck sweetie and generosity to womanhood.

My Periods Are STILL Not Regular?

Until you are more comfortable with your interval, you shouldn't experiment with using tampons (you will obligation to understand your blood flow to know what quality of tampons to use and how often to adjust them). Pads are good to start near.
You actually could bleed like mad the first time or you might only spot - and it might finishing anywhere from 3-7 days. The longer it goes, the lighter it will acquire. It could even start and stop and start or not start again (until next month).
Typically bleeding in itself is not sore, but the process could be - it all depends on how your body react to cramps. Some people ae more artificial than others - they can be quite aching. Drinking a lot of hose down helps, so does Midol, etc.
It is thorny to plan for your first period, because you never really know when you will start - similar to a lot of girls I started at college (unprepared - how embarassing!). Lucky you, summer is around the corner!
You should start talking to your mom going on for keeping a box of pads contained by the house for you or finding out if you should share hers. She might even be really flattered if you asked her the same question that you just asked millions of strangers. Good luck!

Does symptoms of pregnancy stop the period immediately?

i get mine wen i was 12. and u should use pad first. and it does kinda make u touch grouchy. and u get cramps. so whip midol it makes you surface ALOT better.

What kind of sympotms do you hold with a yeast infection?

it is bloody because you cramp alot during or sometimes before your extent starts. every girl is different so i cant really say if you will bleed alot your first time.
start rotten using pads because tampons are sometimes a tricky point to try out and will hurt if you insert it in wrong

A question for the ladies?

stick a tampon up yourself

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