I just have hysterectomy bilateral salpingo oophorectomy 3 months ago. Now i feel my body heat up so much?
What is the purpose of reminder pills in birth control?
I went through like thing, Its be 15 years since I had it done, What I used to do is put my foot out from underneath blanket and it helped alot. Once surrounded by a while I still have hot flashes.
My girlfriend is on Depo provera shotHelp?
Well my doctor told me it would be 1 year. I own just passed the 2 year indicate and the flashes have lessened but are still in attendance.I am having vastly bad painplease read?
You are going through menopause because you no longer enjoy your ovaries. It could last a while. Read up on menopause. It will sustain.- Tampons Brands?
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