I need some clarification going on for birth control?

I thought that when you started taking birth control pills you needed to use other protection for the first month so your body could get regulated.

But my friend in recent times started BC and her doctor said that if she took the very first pill on the first hours of daylight of her cycle(first day of period) she would be protected from consequently on.

So is this true? I always thought you needed to dally one full cycle/pill pack to be protected.

I have be getting alot ofdischarge.smelly ourdour from down there.and my boobs own grown a lil bit.?

For the first few days of taking the pill, additional backup method should be used. You are not fully protected surrounded by the first few days, because there is a accidental that another egg could be released and if intercourse takes place, one can become pregnant. I suggest your friend use a backup method at smallest for a month since she is just starting the pill.

I started the pill in the past my cycle will i be okay?

It's not the very first year, however it's not the whole month any. It takes seven days for the pill to become fully powerful. While you are starting the pill another backup method should be used, such as a condom. After the seven days the birth control is completely in your system. However, please remember birth control is not 100% effective.

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if you start taking the pill the sunshine after your period you are protected straight away...psyche still use a backup jus for a few more days though.because when i began taking the pill my body rejected it in need me knowing for a few weeks so i wouldnt have be protected...

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