At what age will I stop growing?

Im 16 and 5'2 1/2

What's going on here?! (ladies)?

Any, well in general you stop developing 25. For girls 16-18-even 21

I had sex want advise?

everyones different. What you described is exactly similar to me and they say I individual have a couple more inches to grow.

sincerly Katie

Bad Menstrual Cramps!?

depends if your a feminine or male. Females hold been agreed to keep growing up until the age of eighteen to twenty, while males grow hang on to growing until like twentyone or something.or at most minuscule that what i heard.

Females please assist?

by 18 but you may never gain more height if so be a inch or smaller quantity.

Should I tell her?

Hi! I be about an inch away from my total growth at 16. I am 30 in a minute and 5'1 1/2.

Can you go swimming when you enjoy your period?

i hear once u get ur extent u stop growing

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it depends when u started puberty, but girls are usually done growing from 17-19 tops. boys stop growing hopefully till their early 20s im 6'2 vut am joping to realize 6'6 im 17 also.

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