What's going on here?! (ladies)?

I have pcos and own irregular periods. I be taking Metformin and had begin a low carb diet (for only something like 2 weeks. lol) and all be well! Then I stopped "low-carbing", still taking the Metformin and my length, that was due on the 8th (in a 28 sunshine cycle), is still M.I.A. I had a urine testing at the doctor's office on Tuesday (the 8th). They said I wasn't pregnant, but I'm dizzy, slugish, seasick, have slight cramping, and slight pains in my breast (every now-and -then). I also lost similar to 10lbs ( by the way, I'm immediately 5'5 and 122lbs.) I'm not, nor way I ever, "overweight".

Am I pregnant and it's too hasty to tell beside urine or did my period walk off because of the carbs and my signs are those of pms ?

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Have you talk to your doctor about this?How ripened are you? What are your blood sugars running? Are you drinking plenty of fluids? Are you real stressed out around something? All these things can effect your period. Plus your history of irregularity to start next to. Metformin is a strong drug.If you haven't started in a week or so I would call my doctor and be examined to see if near my be an another problem.You maybe underweight ,sometimes when a woman is underweight her length will stop .

I'm 15 years old and i still hold not gotten my period.?

It sounds approaching bcuz of so many change going on that yuor body and its hormones have cause a cessation (stop) of your period. This is hugely common near women that have consumption disorders, are athletic, gain or lose weight promptly... anything that causes hormones to fluctuate. I wouldn't be worried. As soon as your body data out it's way final to normal you'll enjoy a period. By the mode, I am not trying to say that U R any of those things I scheduled above, you seem impressively healthy. The sluggishness and adjectives of the other symptomns are signs of the Metformin working, it about kill me at first.

Ok, this is a little awkward, but how do you tender a man an orgasm?

I would advise a speedy look in to your gyno. The breast pain and the sluggishness concerns me. The 10lbs counterweight loss is also another big concern! That's not normal for someone your age. It could be a hostile response to the Metformin or it could be something else. I'd get them to hand over you a battery of test to rule out anything serious. I'd also advise any a mammogram or an ultrasound on your breast to rule out a problem!

Good Luck!

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