Itching in vagina?

Its been 4 days and I own not yet get my periods except for the brownish spotting that I get for 3 days as mentioned in my before question. Now my vagina is impressively itchy. No pain while endorsement urine. Generally after my periods it is a bit dry near but never anything like this. Any response will be significantly appreciated.


Are there any types of Birth Control that completely stop you from ovulating or?

So, I suspect your 4 days overdue? Do you have any other symptoms? Is in that a smell to your discharge?
I would make an apt. near your doc. & get checked-out & bring some test run. Anyone giving you direction on this site is just guessing. Don't walk off your health to

Follow up from my quiz of what would you do?

You should go to gynecologist. Gynecologist will probably run your vaginal discharge and take it to labs, where on earth they will estimate what exactly this is.
Also, during the first stages of pregnancy, a lot of women spot brown, so contained by either covering you should go to a gynecologist.

What should i do if my vagina keep acking after i have sex?

That definately sounds approaching thrush, in the uk you can capture a pessary called caneston which you can carry from the doctor or at the pharmacy, live yogurt helps soothe the itching too, if this doesnt relief your gp may take a swab to see if you hold another type of infection. good luck x

I be wondering..?

Maybe there's an infection up nearby? Discharge and itching usually points to such. Try washing it more thoroughly :)

A cross-question 4 the ladys only?

You might enjoy a bladder infection, which isn't anything really serious. I used to have it for 2 years and it resulted within itching there. I used to put petroleum jelly around nearby and it worked pretty well. It might not be a bladder infection but it can work even if thats not what it is. Also, when you are on your spell, buy some clean wipe and at least every sunshine during the day, verbs there. I hold the same article when I on my periods.

Girl quiz!?

You definately have crabs. You should stay away from the seaside to avoid catching more and refrain from sexual relations. If that doesnt oblige contact a doctor immediately.

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