Do you STOP growing once you start your Period?

I'm 5'1
My husband 5'2
My daughter 4'11

My who is 11 has started her interval, my friend told me once you start your period, you stop growing, Is that true?

I thought she would grow up to 5'4

I call for to know this fast my friend is approaching really wanting to know!?!??

periods start usually between 7 and 14 years old

growth stops usually around 18 years old

here is a growth spurt usually around puberty for both sexes and this is where your friend get confused - growth is slower after the big growth spurt in Girls but does not stop for several more years.

your daughter will be the tallest of the three of you by the looks of it

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no,periods own no effect on height. but i assume your daughter will be around you or her dads rise when fully grown.

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if u r 5.1 and ur husband 5.2 at hand is little chance for her to be 5.4 newly like that. if she plays volley- or basketball every morning for the next 7 years-she might. apart from that- she might breed 5.2. (average between u and hubby+10%).
and periods own nothing to do beside growth.she will grow at least another 6-8 years.

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No, she will most likely verbs to grow. Starting your period does NOT stop growth.
Since both you and your husband are slightly vertically challenge...she most likely will be as very well. (I can say that...I am solitary 5'1")

Me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday and immediately today my period come on why this happen?

She may grow contained by height and, grow unanimously, still!

Tampons!! I started my period this morning and i enjoy never used a Tamp before! HELP!?

About two years after it happen usually means you are finished growing, and even afterwards, the growing is not much in between that time.

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Actually, usually you stop growing about a year after you bring it. at least, thats what happen in my fam.

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I can solely speak for myself, I didn't get any taller, but I did crowd out

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If you do not or cannot ascertain this information for yourself from a book or library later I cannot understand why you consider yourself fit to be badger the McCann's.

I always approaching to see the sort of questions these sorry McCann bashers post on yahoo. Generally it explains everything.

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