When can I conceive after the abortion pill (ru486)?

Ok, so this is something I am not too pleased to discuss. But I got pregnant spinal column in April, on May 15th or so I be told that I was have a miscarriage and in horendous backache. I went to Planned Parenthood where on earth they suggested the abortion pill Ru486. I took the pills as directed the first pill at the clinic and the other 4 in my cheek for 30 min then swallow. With contained by 2 hours I was within pain and endorsement everything.

My clinician then put me on birth control which I started and took for give or take a few 2 weeks. I am not interested in preventing anything, so I discontinued use. I have other been slightly regular with my menstural and granted the RU486 will probably mess me up, but what are the probability of me getting pregnant again, like soon?

I am 25 years old-fashioned and I have needed the baby but due to medical conditions and my issues beside spotting and bleeding I was told I have no other choice.

Please dont judge me or assume I be "killing" my baby as I be already in the process of a miscarriage.

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I have an abortion and I was told that I could catch pregnant very soon after. It's a bit common for women to start ovulating soon after a procedure similar to that. Although, your body has be through some trauma and it might be best for you to wait a few months back trying again. It would even be better to ask your doctor or if you don't have a doctor ask a Planned Parenthood doctor the information you call for to know.

I have a problem beside my contraceptive implant!?

You should be capable of get pregnant right away. I would travel see the doctor and get pre-natal aid.

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