Do i hold a drinking problem..?

For the 8 months i have be drinking just going on for everyday... I will drink about 6-8 bud lites as soon as I catch home from work.. does that mean Im an acholic.. I dont close to or have never drank contained by the morning or durning the day . I dont crave it .. I come home tired and consistency like some cold beers... by the mode Im a 27 year old girl. what do you guys come up with..

A little worried?

Alcoholism is generally defined as the consistent and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
I would assume drinking 6-8 beers nightly is excessive, having a couple is o.k. If you con't within this manner it will damage your liver.

Help I'm really confused?

I think it is a problem since it is so various each daylight.
Not good for your liver!

Throwing up blood?

if you own to ask you probably do sorry

How do a get a flat stomack relativly fast? Like in a couple days/couple weeks?

if you verbs drinking you could end up near serious liver problems. stop drinking now and you will live for a long time

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Yep. I'd say 6-to-8 a sunshine is a problem.

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hell I dont drink that much and I have a drinking problem. Girl AA is your friend, that or embrace the enthusiasm of an alcoholic, I recomend switching to wiskey if you want to take your drinking seriously

Does this anticipate what I think it technique?!?!?

As long as your home its fine but 8 in a day everyday is a touch excessive if its just to relax.You may stipulation to slow down to 2 or 3.

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According to some Expert, if you consume more than 6-8 Bottles of Beers a WEEK then I am afraid so. I am similar to that too, I don't drink during the Morning or the weekday but as soon it's Friday night and Saturday dark, I will have my stuff. Try cutting spinal column to drinking only on the weekends when you are sour. You will be surprised how much money you save.

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