At what age do the symptoms of menopause start?

I am only 43 but believe I may enjoy some of them already. Are these the menopause or my previously diagnosed depression?

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The current average age is around 51, however 43 is not uncommon. Age of onset of the menopause is normally inherited. Did mum enjoy an early one too?

What is it when?

about 43

Question about wax?

Impossible to predict - some women begin the menopause contained by their teens...

...and you think YOU enjoy cause for depression!

Sorry, sick practical joke.

When I said 'sick joke' I don't denote that what I said was a ploy - just that I agree it be inappropriate to utter it.

Should my period be irregular after a leep procedure!!?

The start of menopause can start as early as 35 or as behind as 55. I'm 52 and I have a 50 year dated sister and we both have have symptoms since we were contained by our mid forties. For me they seem to come and shift, I have more hot flashes within the summer and the winter than the spring or fall. I still hold a period but I can enjoy it once a month or twice a month. There are months when it's longer than other months but I think that I'm lucky within that I don't have any serious systoms.

Pregnant or yeast infection?

Wow, I be just thinking indistinguishable thing. I am almost 41 and believe that I hold some menopausal symptoms. I went to this website, and they index symptoms and tests you can hold. It was greatly helpful. Depression is also a symptom near early menopause, so do not quality alone, I am like that too. Read up on it and I desire you luck.

Me n my boyfriend had sex and i starded to bleed is that run of the mill? or was he to rough?

Usually menopause starts contained by your 50's but some women experience it earlier.Im 43 but my doctor tell me I am unlikely to go through the menopause until much elder.My mum was 49 when she started.A lot depends on when your period started and when you started having children so here is no such thing as mundane.

Im kind of lubricant, what can I do to lose weight? at lease 30 pounds..?

Well I started going threw it when I be 40. I am now 50 and it is over beside and done. I still do get the hot flashes from time to time, but zilch like I did after. It was class of rough once in awhile, but I made it fine and in need any of the medicines out at hand too. I think the worst slice of it was the hot flashes that I have.

Im worried that i have cancer?

hi i started at 42 on and bad ,hot flushes on and off ,my period have completely stopped, i enjoy felt no depression but hold put on weight

Can Birth Control explanation yeast infections?

can start at any age, there is a blood interview your dr can do to check if you are on the change

The contraceptive pill?

Menopause age vary from woman to woman but mostly it is observed anytime after 42 --- 43

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i was 40 when i started the menopause if you turn to the docs you can have a blood audition to see if you are. good luck.

Bladder Infection??

The monopause can start at any age my mam be 32 and i was 40.You can hold a blood test that will determin if you are menopausal or not.The symptoms I have were Hot Flushes,Headaches,Restless Legs,Mood Swings and my period were adjectives funny.Please see your GP Good Luck & Health

What are female condoms? my bf is insisting dat i shud use it..but is it as locked as condoms for males?

Hormone test will determine for in no doubt.

I experienced one night bloody urination three weeks ago, but no wi feel fine. do i have bladder infection?

as hasty as 35, the woman in my nearest and dearest have started from as rash as that.


Using a contraceptive pill to stop period?

Around this time one and only. Menopause is a stage in existence when a woman stops having her monthly length.It is a normal sector of aging, marking the bring to a close of a woman's reproductive years.Get enough calcium. A woman going through menopause wishes 1000 mg to 1500 mg of calcium a day. Avoid excessive amounts of saline to reduce bloating associated beside hormonal changes. More information and remedies at

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