Sore boobs?

my girlfriend keeps getting really sore boobs and when she does her nipples get really itchy is near any way of helping the itchyness?

I want some meat on my bones?

She is probably going through some hormone change which could be because of PMS, possibly pregnant or anything really. Why don't you try rubbing some vaseline on her nipples that will stop the itchyness.

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The sore breasts are a normal sign of a term coming if she's expecting her period to come surrounded by the next couple weeks. As for the itchiness that could be dry skin but the with the sole purpose way to know for sure is to own her see her dr to have them evaluate the situation further to see what they believe is going on.


Maybe she is pregnant? Or just PMSing, these are 2 things that can bring sore breasts.

Lately, being days gone by year, my sex drive has plummeted (sp?) and I am one and only 25?

This prolly just resources that her period is coming, my breast grasp the same track about 1-2 weeks previously i start my period so i dont ponder that it is anything to worry going on for. As for the itchyness umm idk just mark it i guess! haha

Green Poop!!?

if you want to try and stop the itchyness, then try using itch cream.
You're girlfriend's breasts might be growing, too. Or she could be expecting her interval soon, too.

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