Girls singular! - i started my period cycle ending thurs. and my friend and I are going swimming-I cant use a tampon

Shes coming over to go swiming and i cant use a tampon, Im worried about it b.c u cant walk w/o a tampon!! Please help!!

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I really don't see how you can be too babyish for a tampon. I'm sorry to say this to you, but that's your single option. Unless you want to wear a wad like that other human being above mentioned. But even then, it'll only just soak up a ton of pool water, and you'll probably hold a small linger of red around you. (yea mean image I know... x_x)

Try chitchat to your mom about this. Like that guy up nearby said, If you are old satisfactory to be menstruating, you are old ample for a tampon.

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you have to use a tampon or ya cant swim try a lite brand

I've hear?

Why can't you use a tampon? You cannot swim without the tampon, so any get some,or don't shift swimming.

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i dnt think you can run then. sorry duration is an . i wood explain the sitch to her. if you dont want to use a tampon you cannot go minus 1 for obvious reason.! just reschedule it.

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Just explain to her why you can't. I'm sure she'll get. It's not like it's your failing or anything. Just tell her and after come up with something else to do.

Sun=Sunscree= ALL of the time?/?

Reschedule the swimming near your friend for next week. Your friend will realize.

Your period will not stop contained by a swimming pool! I had a friend who get her period for the first time surrounded by a swimming pool and everyone saw it.

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no tampon no swimming. you cant swimm without a tampon within. blood will pour down your legs when you get out. dont embarrass yourself give an account your friend the truth that your on your period and cant swim

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If its that deep than progress usually stops in water.

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Why are you too young? You aren't breaking your hemen, so your virginity is not messed near. She should show you how to use it, and promise to remove it as soon as you are done swimming. If she refuses, any don't go and revulsion her or where chorts (llike jean shorts) into the hose and hate her. You'll look resembling you have your interval if you go contained by with your shorts though.


if you dont use one afterwards I guess your not going swimming

Is any other girl affraid of tampons?

okay.. if i were you i really would try a tampon, this might not work for you, but, my friend go swimming on the third day of her extent (same as you) without a tampon and it be fine. i wouldnt advise it. explain to your friend? anyways apposite luck!

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you're mom is merely being a prude... if you're mature enough to enjoy a period you're old-fashioned enough to wear a tampon, simple as that.

She simply doesn't want to think of her babe-in-arms growing up so fast

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I wish populace would stop saying that ypur term stops in marine. IT DOES NOT STOP IN WATER. A grown woman told my younger sister that. You can either explain to your mother that you would resembling to try it so you can go swimming or be in motion swimming with your friend another year. I know.. being a girl sucks sometimes. :]

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call and repeal the swimming thing next to your friend. You can pretend you're sick, or you can tell her the truth. Or you could agree to her swim and you sunbathe, poolside.
OR, you could go pilfer matteris into your own handsout and buy some tampons yourself or take some of your mom/sister's tampons short them knowing.

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