I started birth control pills, took two days worth and stopped. Will this mess me up within anyway?

I started taking birth control pills after about a six month break. I only took two pills (two days worth) and fixed to stop because I want to try to get pregnant a little longer. Will this mess me up contained by any way?

I hold support soreness and stomach sting is it ordinary. i adjectives the time discern hungry,?

It shouldn't affect your cycle, it takes a while for the hormones to built up contained by your blood... it might change it slightly.

Is it possible to miscarry at 2 weeks?

no. you did not take them long satisfactory for that much hormone levels to accumulate into your body.

Im preety much afraid of the world?

Forgot to bring BCP on the dot.. how important is it.?
HELP! please?
  • Verillicose Veins or something of the sort...?
  • Bleeding after taking the morning after pill?

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