Help an additional time?

i had unprotect sex and wondering would i take pregnant now.
my end period be 24th may and my period is due on the 17th of june plz serve me


Are my boobs to big?

Although a women gets pregnant while ovulating in that is no way to inform exactly when this is happening by date alone. Yes you can get pregnant.

Girls lone! help me?


Im 13 and adjectives of my friends have started their length. wen will i start mine?

You could. I'd take a exam in the close future.

Women: 2 question about closing night.?

pregnancy is the lowest possible of your concerns. get to a doctor for a full STD exam. use condoms.

Help me!!?

a impressively big chance...extraordinarily big...plzzz be more careful surrounded by future.

It's be 6 weeks, going on 7?

U can get pregnant any time - near r times of the month that make it more expected but it's not impossible to get pregnant at other times!!
Go to the doctor for the morning after pill if it be within 72 hours!!

Why do girls other deny that they masterbate?

keep taking pregnancy tests until you any get your spell or it comes out positive

if you are or arent use protection next time

Today on Rachael Ray she have a Doctor on who said that certain panties grounds cellulite ?

ohh!! best thing? see ya doctor!! xx

Are my breasts too small?

There other the possible of getting pregnant having unprotected sex You might be but here a change that you are stressing yourself out and you wont own a period prompt if you do this and young female aren't always regular if your are enormously thin if you dont guzzle right that can make it come postponed too.But if you truly think your pregnant you obligation to go buy a pregnant question paper to make sure one route or other

What is 7st 9 in pounds?

you will own to wait and see

What cause dammaged tubes in women?

there is other a chance of getting pregnant even when using a condem (very rare)
When not using a condem here is a bigger chance of becoming pregnant unless on birth control. There is also a sophisticated risk of pregnancy if he "finished" in you. If i were you i would continue till your next interval & if it doesnt come i would go to the nearest pharmacy and pick up a interview .

Yeast Infections?

You can get pregnant ANYTIME! if you enjoy unprotected sex!

Anybody know when the new birth control pill LYBREL will be available?

just linger a little longer

Help! girl prob?

You can procure pregnant any time of the month, period or not... gain a pregnancy test to construct sure you're not pregnant.

Help, stores are closed and i need pad?

How long ago was it? If smaller quantity than 72 hours then capture yourself either to your doctor or local clan planning clinic and get emergency contraception. Please data that it will have to be smaller number than 72 hours by the time you reach your doctor otherwise the emergency pill is out of the cross-examine!

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