Anyone within "peri menopause"? my period are so irregular .?
Answers: Every woman experiences the menopause differently.
Many hardly perceive 'the change', except perhaps their periods become irregular. Others suffer every symptom and find their lives are severely artificial.
The transition into the menopause is usually gradual and is accompanied by a range of symptoms.
Symptoms include:
*sleep disturbance
*mood swings
*skin become thinner
*hot flushes and sweating
Menopause can occur from ages 30-60.
For more info:
Hi im a 21yr old-fashioned womanly and i dont close to shaving my legs! anyone else matching?!?
A woman is menopausal after her periods own stopped for one year. Menopause typically occurs in a woman's past due forties to early fifties. It is a normal segment of aging, marking the end of a woman's reproductive years.More information and remedies at'm 49 and I started peri menopause finishing year. I'll have a period and after it may be 3 months later before I own another one,or I'll have two in one month. It can end a few years,I had blood work done to find out if I was surrounded by full blown menopause or not.I am sooo looking forward to night sweats !
Brown vaginal discharge for 5 days?
I'm 43 also and mine are sometimes 4 weeks apart, sometimes 5. My gyno said it could be possible to be in precipitate peri-menopause.Most recent length started Apr. 21, and interval in the past begin March 31, how heaps days is my cycle?
Does have your spell form you hornier?
Why do i hold alot of discharge and also when im not on my menstrual there's a short time blood surrounded by my discharge...