Help! girl prob?

ok i need a bra but my dad wont buy me one and i dont hold a aunt/grandma/mother/sister i dont wanna have saggy boobs minister to!

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Oh, poor baby. You can ask your dad. Maybe a friend's mom or even a woman in the lingerie department at the department store. Sweetheart, you are breaking my heart. Check out sear or's and Macy's actually fit you for a bra so you could do that too. Is within a neighbor that could help you also?

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go with a friend or in recent times tell you dad that you obligation it...tell him that you dont wana seize teased for slumped and it hurts is you dont wear one

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since when does bras oblige not sag? o.o i tight isnt it common sense that they will eventually sink o.O

well. why wont he tolerate u buy one o.o?
id lurk and see. maybe he think you are too young

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I know that it is important and you want one but -

You will not own saggy boobs if you do not get a bra at this age UNLESS you gain and lose counterweight quickly.

So don't stress nearly it and enjoy this freedom while you are immature!

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Don't worry aparently you are deeply young, tht medium that unless you have really big boobs, they won't sink. I promese. Be honest with your dad and explain him why you needed. If he in recent times don't agree, ask him to take you shopping to a department store, consequently using the links that I attached, find a couple, try them on, while you dad is just looking for a two of a kind of underware, and give them to the banker for him to pay, he will enjoy to do it. Pushing a little bit, he might basically think that your don't have need of them yet. Hope it help. Good luck!

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For a free bra fitting... you can run to undergarment store, such as Victoria's Secret, Maidenform, Macy's and many more. There's other a woman staff that can help you pick the correct size. Ask a friends, neighbors or charity group surrounded by your area for donation. Do not present up... there's other hope... Good luck. =)

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