What is it?
Something to do next to birth control pills. Please relieve..Im a first time user.?
My guess would be that it is a cyst. They can happen in any factor of your body, and sometimes will not go away unless drained by a doctor. Many people bring them, and it's nothing to be embarrassed nearly.Here's a site that might help determine what that pesky little bump is lol:
good luck!
It sounds similar to a cyst or it could be a skin Tag. I would stop trying to pop it, this will just make it worst & you could possibly infect it. I would clutch a warm sits bath beside baking soda to try & brink it to a head.
How can I avoid vaginal irritation?
In general, you can avoid vaginal irritation by keeping your genital nouns dry and well aired. You can do this in the following ways:
wear singular cotton underwear;
change pads and tampons regularly - at most minuscule every 4-8 hours;
avoid vaginal sprays and deodorants & bubble baths;
use only unscented pads and tampons;
explore alternatives to using pad and tampons;
remove damp swim wear and sports clothes as soon as possible;
avoid tight-fitting clothes and wearing synthetic materials next to your skin;
wipe from front to posterior after urinating or having a bowel movement; and
avoid long exposure to hot sweaty conditions like saunas and aerobics.
Go to the doctor and return with examination could be sti.
Is it true that your boobs stop growing when you are 16?
Smaller Boobs?
Can I instruct myself to be ambidexturous?