Any tips on how to throw up?

i have unquestionably no control over any thing contained by my life and i can't even produce myself sick the way i want!

i dump hose on my living room floor, just to know that i own control to do soething

i feel approaching i am spiraling downward faster and faster and there is nought i can do about it and throwing up let me know that i can do something that i want just for me, i consistency so sick of this. i want to die. i need control and anyone able to do this will get me feel better

please oblige me, i dono't know if i made any sense just in a minute, but please just lend a hand me i am serious.


How should I deflower a girl without cause any pain or taking any risk at adjectives?

Drink some ipecac.

In need of comfort?

drink a placebo cough drug and the taste will gross you barf. or eat later workout.
but i warn you: self inflicted gag is unhealthy

Could it be?

tooth brush

Is irregula menstrual cycle possibly the basis of her not getting pregnant? If yes, what can be done?

look at ur grandma naked or ur mom or dad...emo human being...

Sex Question?

get serious and pray... I know it will help. There are those who doubt , that's okay. I'm a witness it works.

Does Plan B engender you extra fertile after taking it?

i think you obligation to see a psychologist, seriously. when i'm depressed though, i try thinking of happier times, and watching tv specials on really tragic things like the time of war in iraq and hurricane katrina. it usually help me realize that theres always something worse going on for someone else and that my problems seem to be completely stupid compared to theirs. good luck honey!

Do I hold really bad PMS or does this evolve to everyone?

get some help, for your sake

I have a tooth pulled out 4 days ago. How much longer will it hurt like this?

You call for to seek some medical assist, I suggest seeing a psychiatrist.

Bulimia is not an attractive quality to hold, not to mention it can kill you. Workout and put away healthy, you can control what you put away, think, do, and voice. It's called freedom.

What is going on? brown blood?

Go fix me a pb & j sammich. That will contribute you a sense of accomplishment and control.

Do you ever taste an onion while you suck a womans nipple?

see a phys.

Sun Burned Head through my part of a set.?

eat poop!

How long will it take for me to stop bleeding after labor?

you call for to see a counselor. you dont want to make yourself sick. it is totally bad for you.


feeling raging is usually an indication of a lot of turmoil contained by your life. Are you suffering from anxiety or depression? Check into these things right away, you will single double your problems by making yourself throw up. You can erode your stomach lining and loose teeth and adjectives sorts of stuff. Get control of this asap.

Doctor Patient Confidentiality?

Put your finger in your bum, and then lick it. Then stick it up your muzzle, far, and then lick it again. Then cup a fart and waft it into your obverse while you think nearly a dog vomiting in your mouth. That might work...

Urinary Tract Infection?

barfing is very really bad for you. Barf contains acids and when you barf it out, it burns something in your lungs. Doing it regularly will really really relaly relaly screw up your condition. I wouldnt recommend it.

Why not just sleep stale your problems? Sleeping is the cure. (=

Penis - a problem? Guys and Girls answer PLEASE!?

Im Sorry But, Y THE FU*CKING H*LL WOULD YOU WANNA MAKE YOUSELF THROW UP?!?!?!!?!?! that is hugely unhealthy i used 2 do it till i almost died cuz i have nothign in my stomach cuz i thought i be fat, lemme describe yah its just not fighting fit

Iam nervous around having to budge to the bathroom on the bus?

Uh, do some push ups you whiner. I can presume of like ten million things you own control over, but one of them is obviously not your mouth.

See. Now adjectives that anger will find a way to label some real decision about dealing and control. So knock it off. You are similar to a pariah for everyone who really has issues.

Varicose vain aching is it normal?

i infer you need some assist. You need to progress talk to a friend formerly you start to be bullimac. believe me i used to be a cutter and i had cuts adjectives up and down my arm. I was surrounded by the same state you werr and even though you might be reading this thinkin ahh what the hell does she know... shes only some ** on but i have be in your shoes and girl something have to change..

Can i pierce my nipple even if the first hole isn't heal?

Do not make yourself throw up to gross yourself feel as if you enjoy control of something. Please take this seriously and desire help from a professional that really can minister to. By teaching yourself to throw up on cue (especially if you are not sick) will do you to develope bulimea and worse can ultimately hurt your internal organs. You do not want to go down this role. Please please consult to someone, a friends, a neighbor a relative, a physician, a physciatrist, a dog.something! Good luck to you! Honey, I really mean that and I am sorry that you are emotion this way.

Help me!!implanon?

Ya see a Dr, i be bulimic and throwing up ruins yr stomach throat and teeth, the acid from your digestive system eat away it you. so stop while u can and get you some assistance, its obvious you hold self esteem issues or you wouldn't do that, either that or you cant stand the certainty that you may lack control, and that's adjectives indications of physiological issues.

How soon after your Mirena IUD is put in?

Frist you need to see someone create constant throwing up will burn your esophagus,but if you really need to throw up use syrup of ipec ,drug store ,its what you grant someone to make them throw up when they believe they have taken poison,but for holiness sake hun therapy is better later that i swear

Brown period- help!?

First of adjectives you need to detached down. Things can't be that bad. Maybe they are, but they could other be worse. Is there anyone you are close to that you could address to, because it is apparent that you are crying out for help out here. Please call someone or dance and visit beside a friend. I really think it would be right to talk to someone soon.

What are the establishment signs of a uti(uriniray tract infection), and does azo cranberry help?

You have need of to talk to someone. If you hold trying to throw up you'll come down with bullemia (an consumption disorder) and then you will really hold problems.

What advice do you enjoy for a female who requests to define her stomach muscles?

I'm sorry to be insensitive but is this a serious ask? Did you ever reread what you wrote and think, "Damn, possibly I really do need to hope some professional help?"

I really want to aid you, I do, but I can believe what I just read. You obligation help deary, you really do. I would come and hug you if I could but please look into sustain. Go to a psychotherapist (they can't prescribe drugs) and just TALK TO THEM. It help. It really does.

Plus even if I wanted to serve you throw up, I couldn't because I don't even possess that ability. But I'm serious roughly the help entry. Really, you need it. I don't cogitate I can stress that fact anymore than I already enjoy.

Breast Implants - Questions for Women who have have it done?!?

You make like mad of sense. I do think you should see your doctor and bring up to date him exactly what you said here.
Good luck :D

Is it ok to douche while on ur period?


Illnesses and Disabilities - Health Problems & Types of Disabilities ...
making oneself throw up ... throws up after bingeing ... exercises closely, even during bad weather, fatigue, disease, or injury






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CSG - Frequently Asked Questions
Being in control of your own life is moral; being wild is a sign of mental illness. ... hard work to control other people or even oneself organize to ...www.perceptualcontroltheory...


What to do..the pill?

this is gonna sound corny but dont throw up
thats is horrible for you
and try to suppose of how many millions of ancestors are less fortunate than you
guess of people who dont enjoy a living room to throw water on, or a computer to look in womenanswers.orgs on
please dont make yourself sick
suppose of who you're hurting

Umm growth problem?

First off, I will share you that I'm not another one of those mealy-mouthed people who assume they know someone and try to clear an effort base on "trying to do the right thing." I DO enjoy personal experience with this and I will share it beside you. Your feeling of hopelessness and subjection are natural, varying on different situations. I infer what it's like to grain that you have no control on things. I would approaching to talk to you intuitively on this matter. My reply to you is personal and not something I really want to post on the web.

Send me an email ASAP: [email protected]

I will be in touch near you immediately and I will minister to you. You make best sense to me and I hold my arms open to you. I will not pass judgment you, I will not laugh at you, I will not donate you false testimony. You own a friend here. My name is Jamie.

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