Female Ejaculation?

I know what it is, I know I do it...but I often grain embarrassed for it afterwards. Are guys disgusted or is it a turn on? Also, for those females that do ejaculate, do you find embarrassed too?

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It's taste great less wadding

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i similar to it when a girl does it. it shows me that i did my job to calm her.

What do you think?

I squirt adjectives the time. I never feel feeling shame. Actually my girlfriends love it when I come.

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its definitly a turn on for me , i dont know more or less what other guys think , but definitly a turn on !

Another time questionPlease help!?

Huh? Ugh...never hear of a woman ejaculating.

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most guys that I know love it. It turns them on even more to that you got sour. I also feel feeling shame but hey there isn't much we can do more or less it just approaching guys. At least are ejaculation don't stink approaching men does yuck just a smell of it make me gaga

Period Question?

yes its nothing to be feeling guilty about you simply get off stronger than the usual girl most men find this a turn on ,men ejaculate so what would be the difference...tolerate it loose and enjoy the moment...

PMS Question?

When I am beside my partner, he is anything but embarrassed. He think it is absoloutely wonderful. There are not many frequent that can do this for us women. And let's frontage it ladies, there aren't copious of us who can't do this for ourselves either. My guy is never confused and yes, by all method, it is a turn on for him. And absoloutly not, ever do I get flushed. Not in the most minuscule. Rock on, if you do it with or minus your partner. You and he both found the sweet spot!

Damn you, stupid boys! (Which means Girls Only)?

it is a crucial turn on that shows me that I am doing things right!

Gray hair?

I of late asked this question myself. My girlfriend squirts. Its a HUGE turn on for me... I love it. She be a bit embarrassed the first time it happen as she wasn't sure what was going on... just that she be almost out of control next to it. Now we seek it out. Its one of my favorite things to do for her.. to make a contribution her that intense pleasure.

Enjoy it!

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yea ive never hear of a guy not liking it. as for embarassment..dont reflect on about it. i tight-fisted hey he does it to and if he cares roughly speaking u and is understanding next he knows that you cant serve it.

and like the others said, a great deal of guys think its a turn on.


its a turn on for men

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No...(personally, I don't get red, for that is my purpose and my quest)...
Butt...(pardon the bun)
You're probably using the wrong sperminology(pardon the pun)...
Women don't "ejaculate..."
(But they sure do come...mispelling purposeful so as not to insinuate anything)
They secrete, ooze, moisturize, ovulate, sweat, and bring slippery-when-wet...
.and then they turn shopping.(after taking money out of my wallet while I'm still sleeping, only to bring me home some malt liquor, and some expensive designer clothing for themselves...
A more accurate permanent status for what women do, would be...

Gotta go...
She who must be obey is calling from the buud-wah!

Can i still have a babe?

it's huge turn on

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From a guys point of view. I find it to be a complete turn on. OK, yes it can be sometime tremendously messy, but to make a woman touch so good that she loses control... I regard that it's very sexy!

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