Gray spike...?
Gray fuzz is typically a result of natural aging. Genetics potential play a strong role in graying. Pigment in the spike shaft comes from special cells at the root of the tresses. These cells are genetically programmed to bring in a certain amount of pigment (melanin) at specific ages. At some point in the aging process, these cell make smaller number and less pigment until the hackle has amazingly little pigment. White hair have no pigment, and gray hair have some but not as much as red, black or brown hair.
Not adjectives hairs respond contained by the same agency or at the same time. So the graying process usually is gradual. You can't prevent graying. Some folks start graying in their 30s, and some not until their 60s.
People rarely stir gray overnight. If they do, it's typically due to alopecia areata. This condition causes the thicker, dark hairs to stop growing back it affects the growth of gray hairs — giving the depression of graying overnight. Alopecia areata eventually causes roundish patch of hair loss or complete loss of down on the head or body. Its incentive isn't known.
If I may donate you some advice, run see a dermatologist about this. He can report to you whether you have alopecia, and possibly can somehow decelerate the graying process.
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