Can anyone tell me what it is similar to to be menopausal?

I am having a greatly low mood!
I am wondering if it could be the menopause?!
Has anyone any experience of it and have they have similar?!


Low moods are one of the many symptoms of menopause. There are various -- and differ widely between women.

Aging is the chief cause of menopause. Natural menopause is preceded by a time of year of transition known as perimenopause. This can fire up as early as a woman’s rash 30s or – in irregular cases – as late as a woman’s overdue 60s. Perimenopause may end surrounded by the course of several months, or may unfold over many years. As women enter menopause, they may commence to experience several symptoms typically associated with the change that are taking place contained by their bodies. These symptoms include:

Mood swings (e.g., anxiety and depression)
Weight gain
Hot flashes and night sweats
Changes within vaginal tissue (e.g. dryness, itching)
Breast tenderness
Increase in facial hair

Additional symptoms can be found below at - a site for women : )

Please please pleaaseee help me!?

in a few words..

boooooooo hhhoooooooo!!

I am 20 yrs feeble and just lately stopped having a term for like 2 yrs very soon. What's wrong with me?

here ya step, everything you could want to know about menopause.

My time of year hasnt came on within a while?

wacky moods ,hormonal imbalance=freaky periods
all similar to starting solitary this end you can add on in hot flashes as capably

Is it safe to do a brazilian wax when you're 7 months pregnant?

All appropriate answers so far - just a word of encouragement - when the worst is over, you should get the impression freer and more confident than ever before. Good luck!

I hold period problems! Please read and help out!?

Hi Lady,
Sure can where to start! I want I had r age group, any way
it'll all come contained by time. No ambition, lethargy, cranky, mood swings, smaller number hair growth, (use a cut-throat for 3 mth, more hair growth on r obverse, unpredictable periods. I didn't enjoy 1 for near a year, consequently had a robust with gulf orb size clots, feeling crappy bad & on, total different feeling on everything in general
next age spots, they say after if you don't enjoy r period for exacactly one yr. r done & most of this ** emotional state will subide. Sweating is a big one, I seldom feel cold, after a shower & sweats galore right after & during the hours of darkness I keep have to change my pillowcase do it's soaked. Lady u can, as I did go to the doctor, urine in a jar & they'll share u after the put the urine on this swab, where r meno r if you are at adjectives.
Mine kept saying no, going by the colour, check that out & if by casual u need more support or just natter I'd be glad to help u.
All My Best,
LOL Diana D

Can you ascertain from hymen laceration whether a womanly had consensual sex or not. if so, how?

Only your GP can narrate you if you're menopausal, and then with the sole purpose after a blood test. You haven't told us your age but I'm presuming that you are at an age that you believe you could be. A low mood could be menopause or it could be copious other things. On it's own (with no other symptoms) I would have thought it unlikely.

Menopause is completely different for everybody. Some women sail through it near very few problems, treating it as the pure event that it is. Some have horrendous problems beside it and simply cannot cope.

I always thought that I would be amongst the former group, I wasn't. I thought of menopause as a fluent thing. Thought that if you approached it properly and other it shouldn't be too difficult to cope with. Thought that closely of the "problems" were surrounded by the head. Thought that I would never stipulation drugs to get me through it. How wrong I be.

My mood was so low I be practicaly suicidal and had to shift on antidepressants just so I could function on some smooth. The "hot flushes" were far more frequent than I expected, I be having 7 or 8 an hour, every hour, daylight and night. I couldn't sleep properly, wake several times a night and I be exhausted. And they were so severe I could bearly take in for questioning my breath. I would have hysterics attacks, feel feint and dizzy, and be soaked in sweat and tear my clothes off. Sometimes I would progress the other way and be shivering uncontrolably. On top of that I feel ill, nil really specific that I could put my finger on, just so not a hundred percent. While this was going on I be trying to do two paid job and run a home. I recongnised that I needed help!

I never thought that I would lug HRT, I ended up practically pleading my GP to prescribe it. Thank God he did. I've been taking it for two years presently. I still get "hot flushes" but I don`t know only one or two a time and they are so mild I bearly notice them anymore. I no longer lug antidepressants and my moods are fine. I no longer feel poorly, in certainty I feel better than I own for years.

Menopause for me, was horrendous. Thank God for HRT that's adjectives I can say!

Do Yams own a naturally occuring hormone that help women thru menopause?

I think (or I don`t know it's just hope) that I've gotten away beside many of the so call (physical) symptoms of being Peri-menopausal..possibly something really awful is waiting around the corner to jump when I lowest possible expect.

I've noticed that over days gone by 12 to 18 months, I've been reasonably emotional.similar to setting up scenario's in my head where on earth one of my children die or some other awful thing occur & I'm in tears within no time...I found I was moderately happy (while at duplicate time feeling depressed) to a short time ago stay at home & let the world shift by..I've addressed this problem presently by getting myself a bicycle & getting out & cycling for at least 10 to 15 miles a daylight..even though that's improved my moods no closing stages, I don't want to be bogged down doing housework or the like, I freshly want to get out & stay out..My home duration is happy, my husband is so damned flawless it makes me nauseas sometimes for God's sake.he NEVER puts me below pressure for anything.

I don't have any problems next to my kids & get profoundly of support from them & my hubby, but I still have days when I could in recent times keep on cycling & not come home ever again. - days when I a short time ago want to enclose myself within my own little world to the exclusion of anyone else..accept conceivably my 4 year old grandson Cameron. I hold other grandchildren, but he's special to me because he has autism & because I've spent so much time near him.he needs me more so couldn't dream up of excluding him....

I get exceptionally easily stressed out at stuff that used to be hose off a ducks put money on to me, silly things like getting pissed rotten when my kitten plays (lunacy jumps to mind here)..I've be coping for the past 7 years (quite very well too) with a bit of an awkward m-i-l, all the same lately I feel I purely can't be bothered with her, similar to if she says an extra thing bizarre I'm gonna really let her enjoy it. Grrrrr!

My periods enjoy been to look in me just 4 times over former times year & don't have any problems beside heavy period or the such...I've had a few headache where mostly I don't ever get them & own noticed my breasts are sometimes tender..but nil to mention really. Actually last darkness for the first time I woke up & the back of my hackle was showery.but that's been the merely time.
I'm 51 now & markedly it's the menopause letting me know it'll soon be knocking on my door.
I remember my mother going through one and the same stuff at my times she would phone me saying she feel suicidal. I haven't felt that extreme but consequently she had a smaller amount happy home enthusiasm than I'm blessed with....I verbs that I'm fast getting elder & constantly look for ways to ward that off, close to taking up weight training or on a winning streak my diet...then again I'm getting adjectives emotional adjectives over again & so it goes on.

How unpromising is a hysterectomy?

Search for "natural progesterone menopause" and you will come across plentiful pages - one of the sites near success stories is

Please read John Lee's consultation, the june 2003 one is the shorter one.

Avoid conventional HRT please. If you read the John Lee talks you will undersatnd why. The Women's Health Initiative be stopped because of the bad effects of conventional HRT. The breast cancer rate is dropping in the US beacuse women enjoy stopped conventional HRT. (there are links on my web page)
Do the online question paper, the saliva test and after discuss with a NPIS doctor or you GP.

Quite a bit of reading for you but it will beneficial for your strength in the long run

Risk of Pregnancy?

I have my last child when I be 38 and my periods a short time ago never started again the doctors told me I had untimely menopause the only entry that I hate is the hot flushes the warmth comes on you all at once and the sweat basically pours off you it happen quite plentifully to start with it used to run down my fund and into my knickers you would have thought I have piddled myself and at night time be just as impossible but I'm now 43 and things own settled down a bit except my mood swings are pretty bad at times nobody can do right by me and person divorced its the kids that are in the firing procession of my moods. I havent been vertebrae to the doctors about it for 3 years very soon its life you've simply to accept whats stirring to your body theres nothing you can do going on for it.

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