Another time of year question...Please abet!?

I got sour my period 2 weeks ago and I am starting it again...Why? I hold Poly cysitc ovarian syndrome so periods for me are resembling hell.i don't want them this close together. Does anyone know the reason why this could be taking place?!?


Need answers from ladies, be honest! what do you feel when you see a men near erection?

Gosh !
That must be hell do you get Cramps?
Try birth control I am on depo I grasp a shot every three months so I dont get a interval, and it is great You have to exersize becaues you can gain solidity so I jogg to maintain
conceivably that can work for you

Femcon contraceptive pill?

if you have be taking any birth control..this might contribute to it.

Do i have a urinary tract infection?

You hold PCOS so this can happen from time to time. Why not draw from the PCOS treated so things aren't so rough for you?

Breast size?

That's what happens until that time you die. Your body sends a message down to your basement and it let a bunch of blood out. It only happen if you have faultless diseases:
-Liver Cancer
-Polu Cysitc Ovarian Syndrome
-And a couple more.

Anyone had an endometrial biopsy since?

I have like peas in a pod thing. Did they a short time ago start you back near pills recently ? If so I started every week for abot a month it should be ok but 2b on the secure side call ur ob/gyn.

My Husbands almost to send me to the loney bin, HELP ?

Exercise, stress and your pcos can adjectives affect your period. This extent will probally not last as long as your run of the mill cycle. Sorry for the pain and aggravation. MIDOL, MIDOL, MIDOL! LOL

Is Masturbation Wrong?

Seek first the treatment of the PCOS and adjectives other things including problem-free period shall be added unto thee

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