Is it true?

I read and heard from different relations that cranberry juice will gain rid of a yeast infection, if that's true how long and/or how much do you have to drink? Only matured answers please.

It is really painful for me , should i stir to doctor ?

Yogurt for yeast infections. Cranberry juice for urinary tract infections. If you own a yeast infection, look for yogurt with live stirring cultures, those are the best for yeast infections.

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I've hear it helps UTI's, but I've never hear that about yeast infections. I doubt that it would get hold of rid of one all by itself, but it might back one heal faster when you use it next to a yeast infection med.

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I thought it was a UTI not a yeast infection.

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no, cranberry liquid will not get rid of a yeast infection. Cranberry liquid is good for the urinary tract though.

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not really its suitable for a bladder infection if you are having a yeast infection consequently get some monistate 7 it works the best.

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No not yeast infections. That is UTI's!! I have hear that eating yogurt will assistance try that. But why not just buy some over the counter med similar to monistat 3 or 7?

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Cranberry liquid worked for me when I had a mild UTI, I'm not sure just about a yeast infection. But it's important to seize the right kind-concentrate-from Whole Foods-or other health food store. It is characteristics of expensive $8 a bottle and very bitter. I usually newly drink it very immediately because of the taste

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Cranberry Juice=antioxidant. The sugar content is too large to help next to a yeast infection if it is a 'candida' infection.
If you can't afford the Monistat, plain yogurt(with live cultures) will cure it. Yes, insert it just resembling Monistat.
Good luck to youD!

Girls only, please?

It help for any blader infection, i used it many times

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