Very embarrassing request for information. No boys answer. Or I will track you down.jk...BUT PLZ> GIRLS ONLY!?

Okay, so ... I got a couple question about a womens vagina. For know how we hold outer lips? Well what is the littler inner ones? Just the small ones that dont appear to lead anywhere...and what are they for?
I hold always be way to anxious to ask, so plz mature and true answers would be devoted.

Monistate 1 Night-Day question?

labia minora, are the smaller or inner and labia majora are the larger or outer folds both are fatty fleshy tissue which protect the entrance to the vagina, urinary track and clitoris nouns

I am 13 years old and i am 5 foot 1 how much should I weigh?

Labia minora.

Does this crop up to any one else?


Breast reduction surgery?

They're call labia minora or inner labia. The outer lips are call labia majora or outer labia. They're there, basically like the outer labia are, to protect the vaginal slit and urethra from things that don't belong there.

Anyone cart Yaz? (Not Yasmin)?

Uhh.. the pee comes out of the urethra.
Did everyone sleep threw 8th grade Science Class. Thought teens like learning roughly sexual stuff.

Iam just shocked and within awe that someone thought thats where pee come out.

Cramping in pelvic area?

They are call labia minora and the role they play is that they help protect the vaginal first night.

PS... I am not a girl, sorry.

Note your added more info.. if you are talking more or less something tiny little ... that is your urethra - your pee hole.

Nipple stimulation cause poop?

uh.. the pee comes out of the urethra

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