Question about side affects of the mini-pill, should i preserve taking it?

Hi guys,
hope you can help me out here. I started taking micronor, its a progesterone simply (mini) pill, about a week and a partly ago. I've had awful side affects, the premonition fluey subsided after a few days, but I've been seriously depressed next to it - or at least i devise i have (symptoms = not emotion anything, yet strangely this feel *, feeling resembling nothing matter, not being competent to concentrate on my work, loosing interest in sex, being competent to lie doing and thinking nil for hours etc) and ive also been getting really dignified temperatures more or less 2hours after i take it.
Anyway, i'm going to try and get hold of a drs appointment for tomorrow, or if not tuesday. So should i help yourself to it till then i.e. single 1 or 2 days in command to continue my contraceptive cover if i grasp switched straight onto another pill. I think i can get by one more year of this hell, and i dont want to have it as bleak as it was at first by stopping and starting again.
What do you consider - anyone had a similar experience?

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Since you probably will not be able to see your dr on Mon because of the holiday I would recommend getting in touch next to your pharmacist today to see what they know about these considerate of symptoms, and leave a message for the dr's bureau thru the answering service to let them know that you entail to be seen on Tues if they are not available tomorrow because of the holiday.

I did enjoy mood issues with a pill I took but consequently when I took my B Complex that took care of that surrounded by a few days. I had to stop that extraordinary pill for other reasons.

If you start to observe that the depressive feelings start to catch worse please go straight to the ER.

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The mini pill causes depressive ambience in deeply of women. The reason is the synthetic progesterone used is so foreign to your body. also within is no artificial estrogen to balance it.
The artificial progesterone supresses your own inborn hormone so this is basically your bodies means of access of fighting vertebrae against what you are putting in to it.
Personally i would not take any form of hormonal contraception. it is too risky and not worth the side affects.
If you ruminate you cannot stand feeling so fruitless, do not continue taking it. Speak to your doctor almost non-hormonal forms of contraception instead. Copper coil is one. The mirena coil is based on one and the same foundation as the mini pill. It contains an artificial progesterone. So you may have one and the same problem. The copper coil, however contains no hormones.

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since the age of 16 (now 32!) i was taking the pill near one break of a year in that time. within december i decided to stop taking it. i be sick of my mood swings, of the bloating of starting to get cramps plus no sex drive. since afterwards i have feel so much better although the one downside is my skin gets spotty . however i would to some extent have that later continue near the pill. my sex drive has also increased thank fully. i am newly very sensible and use condoms as pregnancy is not an option!

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i've be on mini pill on 2 seperate occasions and hold never got on next to it.i gave it another try after my son be born in january but i took it for roughly 11 weeks and sacked it rotten. whats the point of contraception if you are either so irrational and depressed your arguing or you simply plain got no sex drive.dont conjecture it was the best choice hormonally after have a baby.
i dont deduce there any benefits of continuing taking it, if you switch pills i'm sure you wont be covered for a few days anyway so dont torture yourself

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see drs remmber in attendance is loads of ipills out there so sum arent dutiful 4 other as they would be for sum other ppl so plz speak to your dr

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hiya, so sorry to hear you are feeling so awful next to this pill, i am on Cerazette, my sex drive is through the roof, but i am having problems beside discharge etc,.

i really hope the doc can recommend another pill for you xx

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