10 points for best answer !?


Today, my mother went to her doctor. Her doctor said that her left ovarian echogenic focal lesion probably dermoid...
I dont become conscious...
What does it mean?
My mother also wants to know whether or not it affects her aptitude of pregnancy...
Can she become pregnant anymore?
Or, if she is pregnant, is that a threat on her?
And finally, how can we treat it ?
Please, I am worried... Who answers the best gets the 10 points !
Thanks !

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Dermoids are typically non aggressive tumors. They can grow into massive sizes if not taken out. My daughter have one removed at age 16 f rom her ovary and she is doing just fine. Even in luggage of ovary removal, a woman can still have a healthy pregnancy near only one ovary. Your mother should consider removing the dermoid before it become bigger and then it may start growing around other organs where it may be plentifully more complicated to remove.
The surgery is usually done by making two small incisions on each side of the abdomen, and they don't even show after that. As for getting pregnant, yes, your mom can still be pregnant.
Best of luck!

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It can be cancerous spots on her ovaries, but not necessarily. In many cases it can be corrected with a D & C. If that doesn't work, or if your mother have a history of cancer, they may want to remove the ovary or do a hysterctomy. If she is pregnant though, it could complicate things, because a D &C couldn't be done without harming the infant (it would cause abortion).

Removing an ovary will reduce the prospect of pregnancy, but it could still be possible. Hysterectomy will remove all reproductive organs meaning pregnancy would be impossible and your mother would be thrust into menopause (regardless of age). That is pretty much a worst covering scenario, though...her doctor will want to find out more before making a decision. Also, don't be afraid to get hold of a 2nd opinion. This can be serious.

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Despite the development of other noninvasive modalities to doll the female pelvis, ultrasound continues to be the workhorse with respect to imaging the uterus and adnexae. Over the recent past decade, there has be a shift away from the transabdominal approach, and in most cases a complete examination can be done successfully using a transvaginal approach.10 Lack of a distended urinary bladder minimizes lenient discomfort, and a shorter distance between the transducer and target organs allows the use of higher-frequency transducers. In addition, in conjunction near physical palpation of the lower pelvis, the vaginal probe can be used in a attitude similar to a bimanual gynecologic examination to determine organ mobility and the site of maximal pelvic tenderness.

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shift to the library get some books on ovarian cancer, I do not want to comment on something so emotionally complex since I have no experience contained by it..The library or a re-visit you/her to a ovarian cancer specialist or counselor..The Peace of GOD Bless you.Blessings Yahoo

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Dermoid is usually called a dermoid cyst. These can form on the ovaries with or lacking pregnancy. Surgery is an option (even during pregnancy) if the cyst is large. I would contact your OBGYN or a nurse within their office to get more answers.

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Call her doctor vertebrae with these questions. The doctor will answer them surrounded by full detail. The doctor knows that people repeatedly leave the office surrounded by "diagnosis shock" and come up with questions subsequently.

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i think it means she have scare tissue on her left ovarie and sometimes a doctor can fix that and consequently she can endure a pregnancy

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how did she come back from the doctor not knowing anything? why didnt she ask the doctor these question, he is the one who knows.

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google it . I found a couple of articles about it. It seem to be common.

Why is this happenig to me??

um i think that money that her left ovary can't produce eggs anymore. i honestly don't know.

When should i...?

i think that she can still bring back pregnant but i dont think its qa big deal dont verbs

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We already know it is 10pts for best answer; what kind of question is that?

Birth control and pregnant?

hail as ur doctor and get thigns cleared up.
next time ask question, dont be scared.

best of luck.my wishes to ya!

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