Period Help! [girls only]?

My dad is having a cookout tomorrow! And im going to be on my spell! The bad entry is..They will be swimming ALL day! and I cant use a tampon because I vanished them at home. And I am visiting my dad! I niggardly..I cant just say aloud DAD GO BUY ME TAMPONS! lol So if im not swimming they will be asking me the whole time..WHY ARENT YOU SWIMMING? So what can I report them?

What do girls lust for most in men? (Ladies, apt question, not perverted!)?

Ask your dad to filch you to the store, ostensibly for something like pony tail, a brush, nylons, skin care stuff, sunscreen, earrings, anything you can cogitate of. Only get tampons too! haha. If you don't hold money, ask your dad if you can just borrow a ten or something and take-home pay him back then. You'll have to be really express so you can tell him he can a moment ago wait within the car :)
And ask the clerk to double backpack it! Although even if your dad does see what it is through the bag, he will probably be approach too embarrassed to ask you almost it!

Pain after sex! Should I be worried?!?

u will jsut have to jump and get them youself..influence u are gonna get someting else.

Girls lone?

Yes, actually you could ask your dad to shift get you tampons...or purloin you to the store and give you some money so you can move about in and buy them. 10 to 1 he's made emergency runs for your mom at some point in their wedding ceremony (when they were). Trust's not the most embarrassing entry in the world.

Ok, im something like 3 weeks pregnant but im bleeding like im on my time! what does this mean?

I judge you should be able to articulate to your Dad about this. Ask him if he could please cart you to go buy some.

I really want a bra next to cups my moms taking me shopping 2mrow and im to emmbaresed to ask how do i?

Have your dad drop you off at the store. Run surrounded by and buy it. Or call up a best girlfriend to see if they could bring one for you. Have fun! =)

Why do men hold nipples?

He's your dad! he knows what girls jump through. You wont have to shift into detail with him almost it lol just enunciate dad I need you to run me to the store for some tampons. he's a grown man he wont ask what for he already know lol

Why is it necessary to pee after sex?

I bet if you vote something like "Dad I want to go to the store and return with a box of girl stuff," he'll probably not even want to talk nearly it, and give you money. He may ask if you're have a problem, and you can say no.

Ahh, serve!?

If he is your dad, he should understand!
Mine did!

If I am intuition ok, can I have sex two weeks after a c-section?

Dads may be discomfited with this features of stuff. But trust me, he will understand. Just ask him to transport you to the store to buy some "feminine products." He may blush, but you are his daughter, he'll be ok. Then he can give you ample money to buy a supply, so you won't have to ask subsequent time. :)

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