Do you come up with there's plentifully of pressure to be skinny for girls?

I think there is like mad of pressure. I am not happy with my body at adjectives. I am an average weight though. I see myself as very plump. Everytime I see a skinny celebrity, It makes me discern bad about myself and that I enjoy to be skinnier for guys and people to like me. I own been on a lot of diets and ive even starved myself for roughly speaking 4 days. Also, my 2 good friends are both really skinny which doesn't help because everytime I see them, I get the impression like I have to look resembling that and that if your skinnier your much happier. I feel like im underneath a lot of pressure and that people are judge me on my body. I have felt close to this for about 3 years and its making life so much harder for me. I a short time ago wish I was skinny or that everyone be the same weight. So does anyone else have a feeling the way I do or agree that there is like mad of pressure to be skinny? thanks

Answers:    I've never felt pressure from the medium to be thin. My eating disorder didn't start because of the medium, which is what most people think cause EDs. It started because of sports and stupid high school rules. If you be one pound over the recommended weight for your pole you had to find another pole basement pole to jump on. It was ridiculous. It just got worse when I became depressed. But yeah I construe that for some girls it sends the wrong message. Cellulite is bad, having curves is unpromising. Being a natural woman is bad. You enjoy to be a stick figure with big boobs to be like by the general male population. Girls constantly asking on here if boys singular like girls with big boobs or that they have need of a boob job because they are "flat". Bleh. Sad sad distraught. If a people only resembling you because you are skinny, then they aren't good those to begin with. .
I can specifically say just from what I see on this site, yes, here is too much pressure on girls. Diet and Fitness section has duplicate questions all the time from girls your age wanting to be high fast; what will I wear??
Kids these days put agency too much emphasis on looks and weight issues. You can't compare yourself to anyone else. you are an individual. It would be no fun if everyone be the same. Go easy on yourself. Please shut up, you are 15 years prehistoric; you know nothing about man judged. And btw guys are judged a short time ago as much as girls, like what girls are going to want to go out near the fat guy, none. And don't try and say, I would go and get to know him. You know perfectly well you wouldn't.
Being judge is a way of life, seize over it..
Yes people are pressured but You are perfect form... thats good! Don't let them stand contained by your way. They probably don't care what your body type is. They are your friends. My one friend be chubby and then I didn't hang out beside her. I hung out with her and she changed ... very skinny. I feel so self conscience because she was even skinnier then me. But I thought she is UNHEALTHY skinny. i have a feeling the same.
all my friends are nice and petite and so pretty after there just me...
and they adjectives SAY i'm not ugly or big or anything and i don't know if i should believe them..
so i have a complicated time with that plus all the really skinny pretty legendary people -____-
trust me your not alone

i have duplicate problem.
both of my best friends are skinny. and everytime im around them, im feel like the flabby one.. so im going on a diet. Oh yeah. According to Hollywood, if you are not 100 pounds or less, your fat..
I am 40, and enjoy never been overweight a day contained by my life...however there IS a huge amount of pressure on women surrounded by every aspect of our lives. I'm very unhappy beside our society, because women have to be a size 1, if their hair get gray, they have to dye it, if they aren't beautiful later there is make-up. If they don't do these things, they are "letting themselves go". NOW...if men put on's okay w/in reason. If a man gets gray down, he looks distinguished, and when a man gets older he is more respected. Our society is HORRIBLE to women, and other have been. Don't agree to it get to you. Start now, and be well with who you are, and what you look like. I still own difficulty with this, so I understand, but until women stop doing what is expected of us by society..we are going to verbs to have young women beside eating ds, and young ladies horribly low self-esteem. You are not good, and happy with who and what you are. BTW, it individual gets worse. When you have kids, if they don't look fully clad going to's always the Mom's failure. If your house is a mess..then you are a terrible wife, and/or Mom....We enjoy to learn not to listen to society. Lets all a short time ago be good, healthy chirpy people...and to heck with adjectives those judges out there who judge they look or act better then us. They are usually pretty superficial, so they hold their own little set of probs. Take care, and let it adjectives go.

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