My Tongue hurts!?

Pain underneath my tongue!?
This may sound werid, but i notice that yesterday after coming home from a dentist appointment, my tongue hurt to lift it up to the roof of my mouth. You know how you enjoy that web underneath your tongue, in good health i have a big swollen red bump near now, and when i lift up my tongue up, it hurts, bc its pulling my skin thats connected to the gums on the back side of my bottom teeth.
anyone hold this before? im worried. i dont drink i dont smoke, and the simply time i noticed this be yesterday after i got my cavity i gonig nuts here or is in that someone out there who have had this earlier? should i see a doctor?

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There is a salivary gland underneath your tongue and I've heard that you can receive a clogged salivary duct there. I enjoy no experience with this--it's lately something I've heard of. Call the dentist and relate them your symptoms. It sounds like something specifically best taken care of asap. Best of luck to you.

My friend?


do you chew your tonge?
I don`t know you have a cut lower than your tongue?

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it might be a canker sore but i used to have braces and everytime i go they made me keep my mouth unequivocal and hold it wierd positions so made it is just strained furnish it a couple of days and take vitamin c.pious luck

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I'm guessing that your salivary gland is infected; try rinsing with briny water until you can catch to your doctor/dentist.

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you should name your dentist in the morning and see what he say

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It could be from the numbing drug that they use maybe you have a reaction from it. I would shift back to that dentist and enjoy him look at it. If you did not have it when you go there later something must have happen when you were near.

Tampon Question?

The dentist that you just come from probably knows. If you be numb, they do all kind of stuff thinking it will never hurt. Guess what, it hurts when the numbness wears rotten. Go back and see dentist.

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