Is it normal to enjoy many holes within your vagina? I'm freaking out?

I cant put a freaking tampon in and I'm pretty sure its the right hole since its where the blood comes from. Ive tried small tampons but they wont move about it and it hurts really bad and I've done the hole entry with my foot on the toilet and angling the tampon

plus i hold like 4 holes on any side and I'm pretty sure that isn't normal

please help I'm close to breaking down =(

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Sounds close to you've already squatted over a mirror so you could see what's down there.

Most times hymens own one opening; once in a blue moon they're imperforate with no space, and between the two, sometimes a hymen will have several holes.

The finishing sounds like your covering, and your GYN can fix that with a couple of snips.

To: Skipping Period When Exercising?

No, no , no, no please run to the doctor and go and get that checked out now. If you don't you could die inwardly a year of getting symptoms that include body flooding.

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what do u close-fisted u have 4 holes on any side. The only holes u should enjoy down there are: vigina (where yes u would put ur tampon or a penis), your butt hole
thats not right, please explain more

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You do not enjoy 4 holes around you vagina.

Find a hand mirror and enjoy a nice sit on the floor or on your bed and take a virtuous look at your girly bits. Spread your vaginal lips and explore.

You should hold 3 holes... Your uretra, where you pee.. your vagina and next a way around.. your anus...

Inside your vagina, you hymen may own more than one hole... if that bothers you... you may not want to hear this... but some quality time within there beside your finger (or a carrot in a condom) will break it down...

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It might just be your hymen .sometimes in attendance can be several holes that will eventually be broken down into one bigger hole..and which can definitely net using a tampon when you are young or a virgin difficult.

If you are still worried, you can other go see your doctor, and I'm sure he/she would be festive to figure this out for you.

Check out the website below (make sure to scroll adjectives the way down)

Advice on Tampons..?

It is probably your hymen. It is a tissue that covers the vagina, and can be worn away or broken due to many things, like sports. Normally, this tissue is wasted, but it can be very suggest (just normal flux from person to person). I would assume (from your previous question) that when you tried to inserted the tampon, you may hold not been competent to due to the possibility of having a thicker hymen. The holes you are describing may be small tears in the tissue, cause by the tampon. It is normal, and this would oblige in the erosion of the tissue to the point where on earth the is none. Do not listen to the person above me in the order of a carrot and a condom (honestly, why people masturbate near vegetables is beyond me). Just try again with the tampon. You may hold given the tissue the break it need to slickly give instrument to the tampon.

PS: And in armour you are worrying, the loss of the hymen does not mean the loss of your virginity. As long as you own not had sex, you are still a virgin. Each being defines his or her own virginity. Some individuals may believe that once they have penis/vagina intercourse, they are no longer virgins, while other family believe that engaging surrounded by any type of sexual act will sort them lose their virginity. I think virginity is more a state of mind than a physical state. As long as you believe that you're a virgin, you are one.

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There are really two holes in that area. It is your vagina and the hole where on earth your urine comes from (called urinary tract). If you try to put tampon there, it for sure is going to hurt resembling hell. So, your urinary tract hole is on the front part (close to your clitoris), and your vagina is the subsequent hole if you move back towards your anus. So, never try to put anything in your urinary tract hole. When I be a virgin, I also didn't know where my vagina be and I really was concerned similar to you :) That's because when you are a virgin, your vagina is really small and even closed by the hymen, and the only hole that you can really see is your urinary tract. In not virgins the difference is severely distinct. So, you don't have to use tampones for in a minute, or if you use them, make sure you put them into your hole that is to say NEXT to your urinary tract.

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I don't know about 8 holes, you might own a conginal abnormality. Sometimes women have 2 vagina, or 2 seperate reproducative system, but I've lone ever heard or read roughly 2. Go talk to your dr, they are the solely ones that can tell you.

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the unbelievably small holes may be the openings to your bartholins duct or skenes glands - rebuke those for now. concentrate on with the sole purpose the vaginal opening. sounds approaching you know exactly where it is and you are looking down at hand - thats great. dont freak or break down, we all enjoy problems putting them in at first, it just cart some practice. try the smallest tampons possible and try inserting a different angles, a little up or for a time down- you will eventually find the correct angle and it will slide in and feel comfortable. Dont verbs, you will get it soon

I cut my hymen?

Definitely look up the robust strokes website - it has great pictures of the different types of hymens [ no, they are not adjectives the same ].
If you enjoy already done the squatting over a mirror bit, you now know what you're working next to. If you have at tiniest one hole big enough to put your finger in, you can use a tampon.
Use vaseline on the stop, and aim towards the small of your back.
If you don't hold any holes large satisfactory, even with a moment or two gentle stretching, see your GYN. [ show your mom the picture ]. For virtue sake, don't try to have sex to 'fix' it.

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