I've just have an IUD fitted and my periods and really solid now, is this common?

I've always have resonably light and short period, but now within twice as long and heavy. Anyone else get this problem?

I am 16 and I have have few periods but am pretty irregular, can I still use the contraceptive pill ?

Do you have Mirena or that copper one?
With Mirena, mine be heavy the first one, next I spotted for a couple months and then my term disappeared.

(I only have spotting before the Mirena so the one fatty one was wierd) Now I don't hold ANY though- which is awesome.
If you are having niggle, smelly discharge, fever, move about to the doc.
Be sure you check your string.

I have have mine in for four years =)

What do I do my breast are hurting & I been intuition tired but, I just finished ovualting?

Same as the pp...I hold Mirena and it was indigestible for a while then slowed down...immediately I only spot 2-3 days a month...if that.

Brown vaginal disrcharge?

yes it does give the impression of being to be the norm, give it time and if worried own a word with your gp or local womens clinic

Is it past the worst or not ?

i had one fitted a long time ago and my period were amazingly bad close to yours also i got shooting pains down my legs, after 4 or 5 period it was still duplicate so i had it removed. if you dont resembling it and want to change ask the doctor if yu can own a mirena (not sure on spelling) coil, there brilliant.

Polycystic Ovaries and cycle regulating due to counterbalance loss?

yeh i think its run of the mill just your body adapt to it give it time and they should settle

Pelvic throbbing feels similar to ovary pain please assist I eppreciate all guidance Thanks?

its the bodys way of accepting this foreign body it happen with the implant too

Medical question, matured people single please?

Yes it is normal to originate with. Will settle down.

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