Medical question, grown people single please...?

okay, i'm 15 1/2 and i've had my length ever since i was 11. i've never be sexually active, but i'm horny and showery alot and it smells normal, but strong around my time of year. then, my time used to last for 3 days, but in a minute its lasting for 4-7 next to a heavy flow, and impossible cramps, headaches, and diarhea, and sometimes throwing up. i miss conservatory once a month b/c of this. i take midol, and it slows the diarhea and ache a little, but i necessitate something stronger i do believe. i want to aske my mother for birth control to slow my period for presently, but i don't want her to get the wrong general idea. please help me, i'm tired of tender.

I'm on my period three weeks contained by a row! Whats going on?

I had a similar cycle correct when I was more or less 20. Though my doctor suggested birth control pills, I refused (religious reasons). Anyway, I started taking calcium, B-complex vitamins, and flax kernel oil. Though the combination hasn't worked miracles, the ache and pains are now much milder and easier to carry. I haven't had to 'phone up in feminine' to work since I started on the supplements, and my mood swings have be much less severe (and my fiance is to be sure thankful for that!).

I don't know if my answer is courteous or not, but it might be offer an alternative to birth control if you don't discern comfortable discussing that option beside your mom. (However, you probably should discuss your situation with your mom. Consider asking her to build a doctors appointment for you....)

Why are some nipples brown and some pink?

tell your mom is for menstrual reasons merely. if you have to skip conservatory one a month, i think she'll get the drift how horrible it really is. you'll have to walk to the doctor to get a prescription and he/she might be capable of suggest something other than birth control.

Anybody sustain?

Show your mom this sight beside your question and the answers you received. She should take in a little more of what you are going through if she did not already. Together i believe you'll be capable of come up with a compassionate solution.The pill may very okay be your best option. Seeking
medical proposal would probably be the next step after chitchat to mom. Good luck.

Discharge question?

Maybe instead of asking your mother for specifically birth control, you can in recent times tell her your situation near the period, and consequently ask her if you can go to the doctor, where on earth not by your suggestion but by his own, he will either subscribe that or something else and you may find out that you don't even hold to take birth control. i show there could be adjectives kinds of pills he have to offer but you won't know until you inquire. so try that.

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