Hymenotomy question?

Ok, I know that I am going to need to gain this done. It's so bad for me that I can't even insert a tampoon. And I know that it is not completely intact because my period flow just fine. I purely can't get a tampon surrounded by. I have hear other people wise saying that I should just help yourself to care of it myself by streatching it out next to my fingers, but it is painful lately to try and get one contained by. I tried find out info online but all I get was definition of what it is. What I need to know is stuff similar to, how much will this cost? How bad will it hurt? What benevolent of up keep do I hold to do afterwards? How long will it take? I am truly lost and entail all the facilitate I can get? Anyone else hold this done?

Also, if anyone was curious, I'm 20 years ripened and obviously a virgin. But when I am all set I want this already taken care of so I enjoy one less piece to worry something like.

Answers:    all your question can be answered by your Doctor

an OBGYN may do it in the bureau with minimum discomfort
ask a doctor these perverts here would suggest anything and i can't suggest anything because of what i merely wrote but i am sure virgins can insert tampons without hurting themselves so ask a doctor or step to planned parenthood

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