Birth control and time of year..?

i am goin on a trip the 2nd week of may... i am currently on the pill.. and it just so happen that the 2nd week of may i will be on my period.. is near anyway i can make my length come a week early or a week latter?

Pregnacny Test - Negative?

Why oh, WHY can't people a short time ago READ the question?!

To answer, merely don't take your still (placebo) pills that month. As soon as you finish your last alive pill, start a new pack the subsequent day. You will adjournment your period by 3 weeks this route (by having six weeks of hormones).

Be aware you MIGHT enjoy some breakthrough bleeding, but it won't be a full-on period. And a moment ago don't do this too often. Most BCPs aren't made to do this regularly (with the exception of Seasonale).

Happy vacationing.

What would inflict the area around the breast nipple to expand immensely and darken? I hold never been pregnant,

not really= moral fibre has to embezzle its course

Girls a small question please?

i really don't guess so Ur period a short time ago comes when it wants to but try getting the shoot it fucks near Ur system


not unless u go on a birth control pill that close to stops ur period nd u just get it resembling 4 times a year

What is a good hormone replacment psychoanalysis after a hysterectomy?

There is a prescription medicaition that makes your time of year come later...but not in advance.

Side effects from weight loss on birth control?

idk tough grill Good Luck! :)

I have be on birth control for 5years now and i am spotting the week back my period anybody hold this?

If you are on a birth control that has indistinguishable amount of hormones in respectively pill the whole month, instead of taking the pills you pocket while your on your period you can start a brand new pack and it will skip your period. If your on something similar to ortho tri cyclen, where respectively week the hormone amount is different, DONT start a new pack when you should own your period, because i did this and finished up having my time for a month. Check what kind of pill your on and see if the hormones come and go by week.

Has anyone had to use a fleet regular enema or bisacodyl enema for constipation? Can you relate me about it?

which brand pill are you taking?

I with the sole purpose ask because different brands are... well... different.

individuals say to not filch the last week which are placebo pills BUT some brands DO NOT hold a placebo week!

the pill that I am on does NOT have a placebo week so it would not be devout to skip that week.

you should talk to your doctor in the order of what to do to not have your term that week.

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