Stretch grades...?

okay so on the sides of my body, a little better then my hips i own these stretch marks. they are a few centimeters long and their red, i also enjoy very few on my groin. im not overweight though. i am 5'1 or 2 and i wiegh 111 lbs. im a boxer so i work out alot a short time ago about 5 days a week so i dont its near because im fat. can anyone bring up to date why they are here and how to get rid of them?

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Vitamin E grease is your best friend - not the cream, the oil. Use it day by day and the stretch marks will fade over time.

Most folks get stretch grades if they've gained consignment, or if they are pregnant. If you've never gained freight, I am not sure why you;d have them. You nouns pretty trim to me.

Try the vitamin E oil, and perfect luck.

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Unfortunatly i enjoy bad will have them forever unless you opt for surgery. But you can peroxide them and make them pretty much unseen. Get some vitamin E grease and rub it on them daily. Also coco butter lotion will give a hand. Good luck i hope this helps you.

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Athletes also can have problems near stretch marks. As you gain muscle, your body might not know how to keep up near the growth, leaving stretch grades. Another great, simple way to prevent stretch results, besides a healthy diet, and moisturizing your skin, is making sure to stretch since and after you workout. Not only is this vital for your muscles, but it loosens up your skin as well, making it more flexible, disappearing room for all that muscle.

The cheapest stretch flaw treatment available is creams made especially for stretch marks. The most important creams contain ingredients such as cocoa butter, lanolin and wheat germ oil. These creams in actuality heal and reform the damaged skin. While they may not be capable of completely eliminate stretch grades, they may at least receive the stretch marks fade to a only just visible defacement.

For more effective treatments to remove stretch grades, you can visit this site:

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Try Cocoa Butter or a cream made to remove it approaching this one


First what are stretch marks?

Stretch results are called striae distensae contained by medical term. They materialize when skin is abnormally distended or stretched for a extent of time, such as from pregnancy or weight gain, cause the skin's support structure (in the form of collagen and elastin) to break down or rupture. In fact, the visibly curled ends of stretch results are actually band of elastin broken beneath the skin. Essentially, stretch marks are a defect that has formed from the inside out, fairly than scarring that occurs when skin is externally wounded.

A creature whose skin heals ably with minimal scarring can expect smaller number obvious stretch results, while skin that heals poorly (or slowly) or tend to develop raised or thicken scars can largely expect stretch marks that are more pronounced. (from source 4)

Any solution to stretch results?

Super antioxidants OPCs might be a solution.

Studies have shown that OPCs bond near collagen on the skin, preserve and protect it, and enhance its production. Collagen is the structural component of your blood vessels, connective tissue, and skin. OPCs thus improve cell growth, flexibility, and youthful skin. (from source 3)

OPCs inhibit the body’s enzymes that break down collagen. OPCs help out collagen repair and rebuild correctly which can reverse wreckage done over the years by injury and free radical attack. The breakdown of collagen is what cause our skin to lose its elasticity which in turn causes wrinkles, stretch results and other skin problems. OPCs can help hold skin elastic, smooth and wrinkle-free. (from source 2)

As OPCs support collagen production in the skin, an increase of smoothness and elasticity is the colloquial result. Such an effect was objectively measured surrounded by women aged 40 years and older. Skin smoothness be increased after three months as measured by 3-dimensional topography. Likewise, increased skin elasticity was record with a special instrument (cutometer). It requires mercy until skin cells own renewed significant amounts of collagen to show visible effects. It is essential to continuously whip OPC-3 to keep skin cell at their peak dynamism. (from source 1)

However, since repairing collagen is not an over night process, it take at least a few months or more to start seeing effects on skin depending on individuals. It make sense because stretch marks are not within over night neither, it take time to develop, of course it take time to get rid of them.

Besides antioxidants, one lotion I found to be significant in reducing the appearance of stretch grades is called Pentaxyl.

According to its Website, Pentaxyl is clinically proven to exhaust the appearance of stretch marks, soundly and effectively. Typically after only four to six weeks the depth of stretch results is dramatically reduced. Each day the skin will purloin on a more "lifted" appearance and within four weeks, the luminosity will be restored as skin discoloration fades. Over time the skin will be transformed to a more infantile appearance. While nothing can rewind time, Pentaxyl have been shown to restore a delicate, resilient, flawless skin by fighting against the affects of aging and repairing the bring down done by the environment. <resource 5 >

My friend who tries Pentaxyl getting rid of obvious stretch grades in a couple months. So it depends on respectively individual, some people might draw from faster result in as little as 1 month.

It's your existence, please take honourable care of it!

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