What?..when your doctor does blood question paper's,is the usual check for?


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There is no usual examination. The doctor checks all your systems or the ones he think might be off symmetry.

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they should transmit you what they are testing for in the past they draw any blood. THere are tons of test. COmmon ones are for blood and platelet counts and pregnancy test.

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There is no "usual check" it could be anything..pregnancy, diabetes.. adjectives sorts! I recently have one to check to see why i wasn't putting on weight!

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Hb, Total n Diff counts, ESR, sugar, urea, creatinine - these r routine. special test r so many. what u really wanna no?

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hi there when your doc does blood test it can be for various things ie anemia,Vit B12,thyroids,Infections and masses more the doc will normaly tell you what he is carrying out tests you for hope this helps angelic luck

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If doing a physical, the doctor may hold blood drawn for a CBC (complete Blood Count) to check if there are any high or lows in the typical values of your blood.

There are several variations of test, such as a CBC with Diff, CMP, (complete metabolic panel) and others that the doctor may proclaim if he thinks they will reveal problems.
Most doctors will do blood test if they think nearby is any reason to check for problems.

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Most physicians order comprehensive chem panel and CBC tests. These test will check your blood for kidney function, liver function, and other bodily functions. The CBC will show if your platelets are carrying enough iron and how may red blood cell you have. These 2 test will give your physician plenty information about how your body is working and the inevitability for more tests if important.

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Just ask your doctor@!!

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When ever a doctor does a blood interview for a regular physical and check up, he looks at: Your liver panel, kidneys, red blood cell count, Iron, blood sugar, pregnancy (if your a girl), creatin, thyroid, hormones (estrogen for a girl) Testosterone (if your a guy).
That's usually what they are doing.

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hemoglobin checks sugar glucose level

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There are two core blood tests.
FBC= full blood count. This checks if your anaemic, if your white cell are raised (as they would be surrounded by infection) and the general condition of the blood cell.
U & E's = Urea and electrolytes. This checks the functioning of your kidneys, your liver and your electrolytes. Electrolytes are needed for efficient running of the heart.
Hope this is nifty.

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blood sugar,cholesterol,CBC,(red and white blood cell count)CMP,renal and liver function.

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Blood test are laboratory tests done on blood to gain an appreciation of disease states and the function of organs. Since blood flows throughout the body, acting as a environment for providing oxygen and other nutrients, and drawing waste products spinal column to the excretory systems for disposal, the state of the bloodstream affects, or is affected by, plentiful medical conditions. For these reasons, blood test are the most commonly performed medical test. Blood is obtained from one of the tolerant's veins by venipuncture or fingerprick, except for test such as Arterial blood gas.

Blood is useful as it is a relatively non-invasive means of access to obtain cell, and extracellular fluid (plasma), from the body to check on its health. Although the residence blood test is used, most routine test (except for most haematology) are done on plasma or serum.

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