Ive get a really bad smell from down below and i shower ever morning what could this be ? very worried womanly?
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It sounds approaching you have an infection but the one and only way to find out for sure is to see a dr. I realize you are feeling shame to do this but you can talk to the dr surrounded by plain clothes first before any exam is done to try and digit out what is going on. Just let the department know that you want to talk to the dr first since doing any exams and then permit the dr know that you are embarrassed. A really upright dr will do whatever they can to brand name you feel smaller amount embarrassed.
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Probably because you shower everyday! The body have bacteria for mixed reasons, but by showering everyday you are cleaning the biddable bacteria sour. It is all give or take a few balance.Probably some STD. either chalmydia, ghonnorea, or something similar to that. go grasp checked! done be embarrased it happens. these things are outstandingly curable but you need to hurry up and purloin care of it because in attendance could long term effects if u dont.
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Some women fatefully just own a very strong vaginal odor no issue what they do. If this is a recent development, you could own a disease that needs treatment. If you've have it all your existence, just try and be as sanitary as possible (regular douches) down at hand at all times to minimize the bothersome smell.Does he own to pull out, even though hes wearing a condom and im on the pill?
There are usually 3 reason for odor, Bad Hygene ,STD's and infection, You need to budge to the doctor, if you have a std and it go untreated it can affect your reproductive system and you might not be able to hold babies, and if you have an infection you will requirement medication, theres no way out of it you stipulation to see a DOCTOR.Try one of those feminine wash liquid available in pharmacies/ stores.
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I've read several articles that say the smell of your body discharge is related to what you get through. So to avoid bad smell, put away lot of veges, fruits, drink lots of water. try to avoid 'smelly' food/drinks...garlic is one of them.Is it ok to ride a mannish horse during your period?
Honey you hold to go to the doctor dont be embarrased thats what they are near for...are you sure you didnt have a miscarriage? because if you did you necessitate a D/C or it could be the end of you--just dance to the DR pleaseWhy Did my wife pass out after have intercourse?
you won't regret seeing a female doctor.nearby are different problems for different people.probably it could most likely be yeast infection,which usually gives a fishy odour.vagina itself have its own smell,it depends on your diet,what you wear, how much you sweat,and all that.do not use perfume sprays,colognes or strong detergents to valet.plain water is the best.fragrance free child soaps are also good.use teatree grease mix with thaw water to valet after you use toilet. plain live yoghurt applied to the area at dark,also helps. but if the problem still persist you could see a doctor,its nothing to be humiliated of at all.use soap!!!
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Go see a doctor. Its best to see a doctor and capture it taken care of instead of self smelly all the time and maybe have an infection!Is my irregular cycle majority or do I need to ask more question?
It all depends on the smell! If it smells similar to beer or bread dough, you have a yeast infection. If it smells approaching something else than you may have a more serious problem. Check out Web MD. That might clear up some concerns.- Girls only plz VERY personal problem. Men: trust me, this will just turn you off or make you suck?
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