Is it ok to ride a male horse during your interval?

I have to ride a manly horse in a horse show! In an hour! is it ok to ride a manly horse during my period..Cause some ethnic group say they travel crazy! Im really scared!

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don't do it.

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Horses hold a keen sense of smelling. When hunters use horses to pack their winter sport, after killing them, they use a horse that won't attain Riley because of the smell of blood. Some horses won't pack killed activity because of the smell of blood, they continually to act up. Horses don't similar to the smell of blood.

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I am assuming you are not a very experienced rider. If that's the crust, I would certainly hope that the personage who is training you for this show would not allow you to ride a stallion, or any horse whose temperament is unpredictable. If the horse is gelded, you should not have any problems.

Keep yourself completely clean, use some deodorant "hygiene" products to covering some of the scent, and only interact beside the horse when necessary if you are truly afraid. I regard as the horse will react more to your the creeps and uncertainty than he will to your cycle.

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if your a confident rider be in motion for it...i have done it several times if your dedicated to horse riding and hold confidence in yourself to control the horse if anything go wrong i dont see anything wrong with it xxx Good luk ;)

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Horses hold a sharp sense of smell and a male will definitly know your delimna. It s best to stay away, especially if you do not know the horses temperment. You may be placing yourself in a harmful situation and it is better to be safe than sorry.

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Its OK to ride any horse during your interval or not, if you are scared after your horse will know if you are scared.
I have a horse a wile back, yes I be scared of him, I soon realize that if I'm scared that the horse will be too. Just thieve a deep breath,relax,and level-headed down, your horse can sense things like that.Good luck

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NOO! ONLY IF ITS A STALLION!! if its a gelding step ahead and ride

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As long as you are experienced and very soon how to handle a horse if it act up, you'll be fine. I've been riding stallion while on my time of year for over 6 years and never had a problem. He may be fine, he may conduct yourself up a little. Either style, it's perfectly fine to ride while on your term.

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Yes, you are perfectly fine, psyche assume, as long as its not a stallion. If it is a gelding, go ahead and hold fun, I doubt you'll have any problems at adjectives.

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