Girls ONLY!!!?

Does any one know what to do when you have cramps from your time of year so bad you own to miss school? I started taking a Motrin when the cramps started and I wouldn't capture cramps for the rest of my period but presently it doesn't work any more and my cramps are so bad!! Any direction?

And im only 13.


Discharge or ? (And losing my virginity.)?

Try midol or Advil gooey gels. Take them as soon as you start notion the pain so they'll return with to work faster. Try to drink hot teas like chamomile. If you enjoy a heating wipe it makes the headache more bearable as does a hot bath. Also bring in sure you are getting enough iron contained by your diet and try to exercise regularly this helped me.

Lower gone abdominal pain?

im 13 too! and when i enjoy really bad cramps i usually gain a wine or chamiagne bottle (sumtine like tht) and pack it up with REALLY thaw water and lately put it on ur stomach

Is this a yeast infection and what do I do about it?

That is how I be. Once a month I would be sent home from school. You should see a gyn who can trademark sure there is nought wrong, and there probably is not, and may know how to prescribe something to help.

What does an unusual thyroid test plan? What does the thyroid do?

im 12 turning 13 but eat banananananaananas lol thats werid lol to tons anananan anyway.., yes been in that im actually praying produce i think im getting mine this week.. i hatred it but banananas work!! trust me

My vagina hurts?

well there's things similar to pamprin that are specifically for period pains. birth control would probs sustain, but it can be REALLY dangerous. approaching blood clots and stuff. so i would go beside the pamprin or something like that

Is what i did still count as sex?

Try to rest,drink plenty of fluids and give somebody a lift it easy for few days. Avoid any excessive exercise as it increases the flow.A heat pad will sustain with the discomfort but will increase the bleeding. Ask your doctor for any other suggestions.It can be markedly uncomfortable, I have the same problem when I be your age.It resolved by itself after my first child.Hang in here:)

Serious sex question?

I be like that, too. I missed conservatory a lot because of it. I'd run all kind of medicine and it didn't work. I go to the doctor and he put me on birth control pills (not because of my cramps). But the pills helped. I talk to the doctor about it and he showed me how to bring the pills so I wouldn't have any period at all. But it's recommended that you own at least 3-4 period a year. removal advice- down nearby!?

Take advil liquid gel
Take hot baths
Use a hot dampen patch.

Period one week late!!?

drink tons of cranberry liquid, eat more meat, adn exercise smaller amount..HELPS TONS

Is it ok to lay in the tanning bed if you hold an IUD?

I used to get the worst cramps ever when I be 12 and 13. Put a heating wad or hot water bottle on your lower tummy, take some aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Taking a thaw out bath might relieve, too. Avoid pop and unhealthy foods while on your spell, it can aggravate it even more.

Good luck

At what age do Girls stop growing taller?

i am 13 too. what i do that helps is i put a pillow or two lower than my legs to elevate them. If you lay down for about 20-30 min. and nick a midol or whatever you appropriate, you will feel much better. I support to use midol, the magic prescription. It helps cramps, headache, backaches, bitter in your stomach, anything you can expect of. Good luck!

When will my periods receive regular?

midol does wonders

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