Hi im 2 months l;ate for length took a test today the easly detection one step pregncy question paper?

it was a quid from pound shop i took it something like hour ago should i get a better 1 or should i purloin it as a neg?

On my bikini line, between my pelvis and right leg, I hold a bump, what could it be?

Regardless of price, all hpt benchmark your hcg levels present. Some filch a higher height to register, but at two months it should already register on any type of test. I would telephone your doctor.

How do you get rid of strech grades?

Pregnancy tests are pretty much adjectives the same. At 2 months belatedly, the test should be accurate.

Did you start massage your breast implants right away after the surgery?

i assume take another tryout mayb clearblue. a more respectable make.

What's you narrative?

If you're 2 months late, you're probably pregnant, if you're a womanly.

what the heck is "quid from pound shop" ?
Your final sentence makes NO SENSE.

After giving birth , i wont to rob birth control pills . When can i take them ,if i didnt enjoy period?

go to the GP and find out what is going on properly

What the f is this?!?

(lol to the comment up) try and grasp a better test to see if you are or arent sometimes the cheapy ones dont come out right.

Im involve answers on this?

i think you'd be best taking a proper audition like from your GP much more reliable.i have mine done at the docs as i was so agitated awaiting the result he did it there and consequently.good luck hun.x

How can i sunburn faster?

I'd do another test, especially as you're 2 months postponed.

Is there a doctor surrounded by the house?

Are you saying you get it at a dollar store? I would buy another one if I were you. If it be at a dollar store then it probably be defective. If you are 2 months late and hold systems of pregnancy you might be pregnant.

Could i be pregnant?

When it comes to home pregnancy test receive a good one. I'm not clich?? the cheap ones don't work, but when you need to be without doubt sure you need to return with something that's going to give you the answer you want. Always remember you get what you retribution for. You buy cheap things, your going to get cheap standard of of them. You buy quality things, your going to bring back the best quality that you can obtain. Go to the store and buy you another one that isn't so cheap just to form sure.

My abdomen growling?

Call your doctor, it could be an ectopic pregnancy - those don't other show up on the otc tests, and can gun down you if you go too long minus getting it checked out.


I bought the cheapest brand of pregnancy test and it come up with an accurate answer both times (positive when I be pregnant and negative when I wasn't). Higher price doesn't other mean better they adjectives pretty much work the same. Being 2 months overdue, though, you need to see your doctor to find out what's going on.

I'm starting birth control for the first time and I'm confused almost something. When can I start?

really from the pound shop crumbs well i never, economically honey if you,ve been have unprotected sex then i guess yeah your up the duff. suitable luck to what ever you decide to do.

Itchy Vagina?

do another interview

Nipple pircings?

If it says it will detect pregnacy consequently whatever the price it should be fit for purpose. But here again the hormones may not be consentrated enought, Why dont you wait a few days want ad try again or go to the doctors for a audition

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