Is there a doctor contained by the house?
If you're not preggo what would be the ascendancy of taking prenatal vitamins?
Chest pressure going down the left arm is a sign of heart problems and heart attack. Have someone drive you to the emergency room ASAP or phone call 911. Do not wait as heart attacks are not something to play beside. Call now and move about to ER.
Trojan "evolve" Condom Controversy.?
You could be having a heart attack. I would budge to the doctor immediately. I know you loathe going, but it could be the difference between a full recovery and not. It could also be a blood clot, or something else-you necessitate to go go and get it checked out.get to the er now it could be a mild heart attack call upon am ems now
if i be u id def. think twice. signs of heart attack are chest pains that shoot down to the left be cautious... i dont think its indigestion it sounds close to something more serious. besides, indigestion should give u shooting distress to ur left arm...but consequently again im not a doctor, nor do i know all the symp.