Can your term be ,later than ordinary some months?


Anyone ever have vaginal tears call fissures?

Yes. Several things can affect it. Stress, dieting, strenuous exercising are just a few. Real physical problems could also mete out it. If you know you're not pregnant and it happens repeatedly, check with your gynecologist.


It's adjectives for some women to have irregular cycles. However, if here is a chance that you could be pregnant, or if you cycle last more than 42 days (for 3 consecutive months) you should see and MD.

How can I put on weight?

Depending on stress level, excercise routines, and food consumed, yes, you can have unpunctually periods. Until I go on the pill, I never had consistent cycles - they be always behind time or early or anything. If you actually miss your time all together, you might want to travel to the doctor because you might be doing something wrong in your lifestyle. Extreme amounts of longterm stress can do this, and it's not healthy at adjectives because that amount of stress can lead to stroke, heart attack, etc. My friend be anorexic and didn't start her period until pretty unsettled - 17 years old. Whenever she would run into starvation mode again, she would miss her periods - again, not in shape because the body can shut down entirely. And, if none of these are wrong but you still miss your period and you're have sex...well, you should obtain that checked, too.

Smelly urine?

Yes. My cycle was irregular to instigate with and a couple of years ago, I didn't enjoy a period for two years. The doctors be perturbed by this occurence, but not I! My cramps were so fruitless that I would end up surrounded by the hospital and my breast were so sore they have to be binded with an ace covering, so me not having a spell didn't bother me at all. I be eventually put on some medication that made me have a time because the doctors said not having one be not normal, but my awful length symptoms were not conventional to me and were moderately unbearable. Presently, I enjoy had a pretty typical cycle, but if I skip a month or two, that's normal for me.

You should hold track of your cycle as well as see a doctor on the subject of this especially if this is not the first occurence.

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