How can you stop your period with natural stuff?

i'm going to get my length soon and i'm going to vacation for a week. i necessitate to stop my period from coming for at lowest possible 4 to 5 days, any natural things i can bear? i heard if you drink lemon liquid that it might stop it. i dont take BC pills. what should i do i requirement help!!!!...

What are some technique to making a pregnant woman dilate faster?

There is no way to stop your length without using birth control. Anything you hear is not true.

Have no *?

Sorry to tell you that you're purely going to have to do business with have your period while you're on break. Yes, it sucks, but there's zilch you can do about it.

My suggestions: stock up on the midol and tampons. If you've never used a tampon, swot up how if you want to go swimming while you're on time off.

is it possible for a 70 year old woman to get hold of pregnant,how and what next?

Nothing unprocessed wil stop it, besides getting pregnant of course. You will have need of some form of hormonal birth control (Pill, Depo-Provera, Patch, etc.)

I want to get breast implant?

get pregnant, that's natural and it will stop your extent

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