Anyone ever have vaginal tears call fissures?

They are little tears that occur around creases around my vagina. My gyno said they are fissures and give me a cream to put on it while they heal. But after they run away they keep coming rear. I've been tested lately for all STDs so it's not that. I've other had severely sensitive skin but as I get elder I seem to achieve dry there and break by just moving. Any direction?


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I've never had fissures myself but I hold talked to other women who hold had them since and I'm told that they can be pretty painful at times.

Ask your dr in the order of the possibility of a condition called vulvodynia to see if that could be playing in to these fissures. Sometimes near vulvodynia (pain of the external genital area) there can be these tears and even of late look how paper would look if it's cut.

To revise more about vulvodynia check out:

Another possible problem that could be cause this because of what you are saying going on for drying out you may be having a problem near your hormone levels and them cause a hormone imbalance.

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