I had a miscarriage ultimate week?

I am having a easier said than done time dealing with it. I own no emotional support. I am going through this alone.
Can someone give a hand me?


Has anyone ever had thyroid problems?

I'm sorry for your loss. You should speak to a counselor, call the hospital or a local mental vigour clinic. Talk to family and friends too, and keep hold of trying, Good luck.

Problems with trying sex for the first time near my boyfriend?

I had two. one surrounded by 94 and the other in 96 and it took me til 2003 to own another, this one successfully. I will talk to you if you call for someone.

What is your experience with an IUD?

Im so srry for ur lose. email me or im me if u necessitate to talk.

Will my ovulation be messed up?

This is the wrong place for you to find solace. Seek minister to from a friend, family or from your religion. I am sorry for you but the internet is not the place.

Birth control?

I infer your feelings. This is a big loss surrounded by your life. Don't despair though, you will probably hold a very successful pregnancy again. Good luck.

If I don't drink seafood,I am so uncomfortable?

I am sorry. I have two back to stern and never got pregnant again so I know how you quality. It will take time to grasp over you need to grieve. You will also probably dance over and over in your mind just about what you did wrong...but it wasn't your fault. These things only just happen sometimes. You will consistency better in time and perchance the next time you are pregnant you will hold a supportive man to be there for you and throughout the pregnancy. Good luck.

Is womanly masturbation healthy?

My wife have a miscarriage and a tubal pregnancy (same difference). I'm sorry for your loss.

Other than an e-hug, and some tears shed for you, there isn't much I can do, online.


Whats the best treatment for menapause?

A lot of individuals have miscarriages. Just try again to hold another baby. It will be okay. And if for some idea you can't have a child, you can adopt one. It will get better soon.

Loestrin 24 fe interview?

I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I know how it feels. The despondency, the grief, the aloneness. How are you doing today? I have not seeked counceling myself, but I do believe that it would be a great sustain to seek this out. For both of us.

How can you give an account if your nipples are mature? & When do your breasts stop growing?

I am so sorry for you. And to own to go through this alone have to suck. Everything in life happen for some reason or another. Right immediately you may not know why this happened but somewhere down the road you may realize that perchance it was for the best. I know thats probably tricky to take right very soon, but sweetie if it was a decent baby and a full-bodied pregnancy you wouldn't have lost it. So that's why I'm adage maybe it be for the best for the baby's sake. Your young-looking, hopefully you will get pregnant again and own a baby. You'll never forget this one, you'll preserve it in your heart. Everything get better with time. You'll be O.K. but its going to pilfer some time to heal. I yearning you peace and love in your life span. Take care


Im sorry to hear this. I dont know your situation but reckon about everything happen for a reason. You said that you are going through this alone.. in good health, try to think positive that possibly God didn't want you to raise your newborn alone either. At the instigation its going to be hard, but somewhere down the strip you might meet somebody that's gonna be by your side. Then you can try again near somebody that's gonna be there to support you and your babe. You have an angel watching over you, that's your child in glory. Keep your head up. When you start to have a feeling sad and dont own nobody there to be near you just pray.

I'm have headaches and heartburn sympathetic sick to my stomach plus can't get any sleep what could this be?

First of adjectives, I'm so sorry for your loss. Secondly, I had two miscarriages. 1 on November 12, 2001 and the second on February 13, 2002. I get pregnant a 3rd time in December of 2003 and be blessed with boy/girl twins. They will be 3 in July. There is hope. If you call for a friend, then please, by adjectives means, message me and I can present some kind of support online. You may want to check into some online support groups. try joining cafemom.com. great ladies here!

New Birth Control Pill? Have you heard of it?

I am so sorry for your loss, I have a miscarriage many years ago, I be young and unmarried and terrified. Everyone said not to worry, the toddler was not formed, so it be not a real babe-in-arms. But, I know that I carried it for 2 months and it was extremely real. I go through a depression and finally by the grace of God I moved on. Give yourself time and rest, you need to lug it easy and not surmise about sex for awhile, your body have been through an ordeal and desires to heal. I presently have 2 children and merely had the one miscarriage. Eventually, you will treat and can try again. Here is a good website to check out, it help you understand the cause and what goes on near your body. Things happen surrounded by our life that we hold no answers for but we just requirement to find faith and strength to be in motion on. I will pray for you. Remember, God is the almighty healer of body and mind. Take care.

When women take breast reduction surgery is in that anything non natural inserted in the breast for structure or?

I in recent times had one contained by January and had to enjoy a D&C performed. After that have some complications from the surgery so I was down for most of the month. My body still isn't in position to try for another. We must heal both physically and emotionally. It is complex I can say that much. Please get the impression free to email if you want. I am a 26 year old womanly.

My nipples have hurt really impossible for two weeks? whats going on?

It is hard, I own had a miscarriage. It doesn't seem to be like it immediately but, it will get better next to time and you will never forget it.I had the miscarriage nearly 5 1/2 years ago, a few months after I had a miscarriage I be pregnant again,I know that it isn't the same.I still hold the picture that they took of the baby that I have miscarried and still look at it at time and wonder if it was a boy or girl. I know it will be easier said than done to get through but, you will and at smallest now you know that you can grasp pregnant and with time conceivably have one.I be devastated to when I found out that I had misscarried.I never really get over it but, it is better to deal near so hang contained by there and focuss on the suitable things that you do have within your life and try to find a friend or a neighbor to minister to you deal beside it better and I hope you find the support you need and may God Bless.

Virginity? Girls one and only please.?

As someone that has also have a miscarriage all that I can articulate is that I'm sorry and if you need someone to speech to you can e-mail me at [email protected]

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