Whats wrong with me if im not discharging and my period is 2 weeks late and theres no way I could be pregnant?


Have any women try pee ing standing up over the toilet?

If you in your teens, especially early teens, irregular timing is a exceedingly common prevalence... same goes if you're over 35. In women, especially younger women, several diseases and conditions can disrupt your cycle... you might basically want to give the OB/Gyn nurse at your clinic a name... a true diagnosis needs greatly more info, and she will know what questions to ask you...

If you develop a confusion, or have any discharge excluding clear or whitish, you might have an infection. Again, a call upon to the OB/Gyn nurse would be in command...
Ed, RN

Pimples and Stomach Ache, Am I Pregnant ?

Any little thing can rationale your hormones to get out of whack. If you own been stressed, lost counterbalance, exercised more, etc, your cycle may be affected.

when on a low carbohydrate diet,what amount of carbohydrates should be taken per morning for weight loss?

A lot of the time stress can label your period belatedly, if you have be under profoundly of stress try and relax. If your older you could be going threw the renovate of life. If your young-looking your body could be changing. Or you could of miscalculated your due date, of your time of year. Since you said you know that your not pregnant, I'm leading more towards stress.

Whats coming out of my vagina?

hormonal fluctuation cause by stress.

Why my VAGINA get black?

It could a moment ago be stress.

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