Is near a possibility?

I've been on the pill for over a year and I pilfer it like I'm suppose to and my man wear a condom always. Well later night we didn't use one and he pulled out and adjectives but as he did his sperm went adjectives over me down there. Im upset now and he's for a moment freaked out too.So I went and peed right away and wash off next to soap.
Can some one give direction on this? Will we be ok or not? Serious answers please.

Can u get pregant even though u have a light extent?

Depending on what pill you're on, the level of estrogen, your dosage, etc. etc. etc., you should still be ok. In assumption, they should prevent ovulation, which would mean that here would be no egg for the sperm to fertilize and therefore no conception. However, even beside the pill, there is a arbitrary of pregnancy. I know of a number of folks who were on the pill, using it exactly as they should, and still get pregnant. Bottom line, if you don't want to acquire pregnant, don't have sex.
And for adjectives reference, wash sperm out doesn't work. They're rather strong little swimmers, and they can still move up near rather hastily.

Can you get pregnant after a tubal ligation (Clamp)?

The pill is 99% accurate so if you enjoy been taking the pill properly every daytime there shouldn't be a risk of you getting pregnant, if you are that worried pocket the morning after pill but there shouldnt be anything to verbs about.

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